Jonas Chapter 5 Blog

The United State government for the most part stays out health care system. Many other first world countries play a large role in their health care systems like running and maintaining health care institutions. The Unites States on the other hand lets hospitals and doctor offices run themselves like any other businesses.1  Overall the constitution … Read more

PBS Film Review

The Health Care: America vs. the World PBS video gave a great overview of the current American system for health care and compared them to other nation across the globe. America system has many flaws such as the extremely high price for prescription drugs or medically necessary operations. Another major flaw that was discussed in … Read more

Kit Bjerk – Introduction

Hey my name is Christopher Bjerk, my preferred name is Kit but will answer to either. I am from Archdale NC and completed undergrad at Appalachian State University. I am an MS student in Nutrition and am taking this course as an elective. I choose this course because I work for a WIC as a … Read more