How to Deliver Patient-Centered Care: Learn from Service Industries_ecampbell

How to Deliver Patient-Centered Care: Learn from Service Industries by Brian Powers, Amol S. Navathe, and Sachin H. Jain According to the National Library of Medicine, patient-centered care is defined as care that focuses on the individual’s specific health needs.  It is said that the idea of patient-centered care will encourage patients to be more active and … Read more

Health Care System Performance and Change (Chap.7-8)

All processes must succumb to evaluation to ensure accuracy and efficiency and detect any mistakes within the process.  The same principles apply to performance in the healthcare system. It is extremely important to have a satisfactory performance to upkeep the confidence and trustworthiness received from the people they serve. Evaluations help to improve performance and close … Read more

Eboni Campbell_Intro

Hi Everyone, My name is Eboni Campbell and I am so glad to be a part of this course! Being that my goal is to make a difference in our healthcare system, I look forward to learning more about the functionality and delivery of our healthcare system in the United States (as it compares to … Read more