The Strategy That Will Fix Healthcare_JEvans

The article I chose to review was Michael Porter’s and Thomas Lee’s article, “The Strategy thatwill fix healthcare”. The authors did a strong job at displaying their ideas for describing their strategiesto maximize the value of our healthcare system. In their article, the authors detailed how despite thediligent efforts of well-trained healthcare professionals around the … Read more

Chapter 5 & 6 Review

Chapter 5 and 6 gave us great insight into business of the healthcare industry and the reality of some of the decisions that are made. Chapter 5 discussed the extent to which the government regulates the healthcare system here in the United States. From the text, it is clear that private/public nature of the healthcare … Read more

PBS’ Healthcare: The U.S. vs The World

In PBS’ “Healthcare: The U.S. vs the World”, we were given an insight into the stark contrast between healthcare delivery in the United States and other industrialized countries. The video displays our industrialized peers have changed and their evolved their healthcare system to make it more patient friendly and more effective overall. Despite the United … Read more