Managing The Top 5% Expensive Patients, HBR Threatt_K

Managing The Most Expensive Patients by R.Pearl & Philip Madvig                 Approximately half of the dollars spent by the United States is to manage 5 % of the most acutely ill citizens.  Within that 5%, there are 3 groups: 1)those with chronic illnesses like diabetes, heart disease that require frequent MD visits or occasional hospitalizations, 2) those … Read more

Healthcare: The U.S. vs The World Critique

Health Care: U.S. vs The World (PBS) documentary provides comparisons of universal healthcare models from other countries including Sweden, United Kingdom, Australia, and Canada. Often, the U.S. is compared to Canada when describing the benefits of universal healthcare and many like myself were not aware of other countries with similar models. Universal healthcare for those … Read more

Intro – Kara Threatt

Hi everyone! Happy New Year! My name is Kara Threatt. I am a Nurse Practitioner and Clinical Operations Assistant Director for the Department of Surgery at Duke. As part of my roles for the last 25 years at Duke, I supervise about 25 Advanced Practice Providers as well as work closely with physician leaders. This … Read more