The politics of healthcare

Jonas’ Chapters 11 & 12 In Jonas’ chapter 11 we learn more about The Affordable Care Act (ACA). The Affordable Care Act was made to be a law in March of 2010. It is widely referred to as “Obamacare”. This law has increased the number of people with healthcare coverage and has made significant changes … Read more

Jonas Chapters 11-12

Chapter 11 and 12 give great background to the Affordable Care Act (ACA) and trends in the US healthcare system. Chapter 11 begins by introducing what the ACA is. During the Obama administration, he aimed to fix problems criticized of the current healthcare system and provide access to healthcare to all. However, from day one, … Read more

Jonas’ Chapter 11 and 12

In Jonas’ Chapter 11, he discusses the Affordable Care Act’s accomplishments, limitations, and opposition. The Affordable Care Act (ACA) is discussed in this chapter, including its achievements, limitations, and opposition. The Obama administration passed the Affordable Care Act in March 2010. Everyone can get insurance under the ACA regardless of their health condition. As a … Read more

Jonas Chapter 9 and 10 Analysis

Chapter 9: History of Change from 1900 to 2010: Incrementalism, explained the timeline of healthcare to widespread and larger hospitals as well as health insurance coverage across the United States. There are several developments and acts that were put in place prior to the 19th century that paved the way for new reforms. For example, … Read more

Jonas Chapter 9 Summary

Chapter 9 “History of Change From 1900 to 2010: Incrementalism” discusses the foundation of the current health care system and how it has changed in terms of access, financing, and organization from the 19th to 20th century. The founding of the American Medical association (AMA) and the U.S. Nursing Corps were two leading developments of the 19th century … Read more

Chapter 8 Blog

The U.S. health care system exists within a framework bounded by two ideological opposites: health care is a public good and health care is a private good. These two concepts—private good and public good—are defined as follows. Public good, in economics, (is) a product or service that is non-excludable and nondepletable (or “non-rivalrous”). A good … Read more

Chapter 7 Blog

Chapter 7 focuses a lot on how the performance of various health care systems and how they are assessed and evaluated in the industry. There are three different criteria for evaluation of health care systems: (a)quality (b)equity (c)efficiency. Structure and process influence the outcomes of health care. Ultimately, our interest is in outcomes, and we … Read more

Health Care System Performance and Change (Chap.7-8)

All processes must succumb to evaluation to ensure accuracy and efficiency and detect any mistakes within the process.  The same principles apply to performance in the healthcare system. It is extremely important to have a satisfactory performance to upkeep the confidence and trustworthiness received from the people they serve. Evaluations help to improve performance and close … Read more

Jonas’- Chapter 8 Review

Chapter 8Review- By Holly Rosenberger Even for those who can afford most care may find themselves impoverished by a catastrophic medical expenditure. Debates that Have Structed Health Care System Change The American health care system is approaching a breaking point. I know I am at my breaking point. Chapter 8 from the required text discusses the … Read more