Chapter 5 & 6 Review

Chapter 5 and 6 gave us great insight into business of the healthcare industry and the reality of some of the decisions that are made. Chapter 5 discussed the extent to which the government regulates the healthcare system here in the United States. From the text, it is clear that private/public nature of the healthcare … Read more

The Governing Agencies of Healthcare Providers, Drugs, and Medical Devices: Do we Need Them?

Whenever a discussion is brought up among peers about the United States healthcare system, opinions may range from us having the best regulatory systems and care, all the way to us having the worst systems in place. How does one rank a healthcare system? Is it lives saved? Is it the amount of dollars spent … Read more

Jonas Chapter 5 Blog

The United State government for the most part stays out health care system. Many other first world countries play a large role in their health care systems like running and maintaining health care institutions. The Unites States on the other hand lets hospitals and doctor offices run themselves like any other businesses.1  Overall the constitution … Read more

The Present State of the US Health Care System – Is It Set Up for Future Success? (Jonas Chapter 1)

In 1965, President Johnson signed the Medicare Social Security Amendments into law, and Medicare and Medicaid services were established in the US to provide insurance to the elderly, disabled and those with limited income. This law came after years of debate regarding the inadequacy of private insurances’ ability to provide “comprehensive, affordable health care coverage … Read more

Overview of U.S. health care system_ Can it deliver quality care for all at reasonable cost?

In the U.S. access to health care depends on having health care insurance.  Whether health care is financed via public government-sponsored programs such as Medicare, Medicaid or SCHIP or through private employer-sponsored plans (BTW most individuals in the US have this form of coverage) it still ends up representing a cost to society.  The conventional wisdom is that we all share … Read more