Big Keys Plus Keyboard

Big Keys Plus

This is a simplified computer keyboard. The keys are listed in A-B-C order, unlike your typical QWERTY keyboard.   Contains all essential characters, easy-to-read key labels on 1-inch squares and all vowels are highlighted in yellow. Even if you hold down a key, it will only type the character once. Compatible with all major software packages/no … Read more

Read Content Social Studies

Read for Content Social Studies

Social Studies provides an easy-to-approach reading opportunity for challenging non-fiction subjects. 120 important social studies topics support curricula in U.S. History, World History and Civics. An excellent resource for learning how to recognize facts and identify important ideas within reading material.

Tools for Assessment and Development of Visual Skills

Tools for Assessment and Development of Visual Skillls

This set of standardized tools aids in performing functional vision evaluations or visual skills development activities. ToAD does not provide a curriculum—there are several excellent curricula available, including ISAVE from APH. The ToAD kit provides tools, toys, and puzzles that assist the educator as he or she performs assessments or activities. In addition to its … Read more

Meville to Weville3

Meville to Weville3

MEville to WEville 3: My School is a unit in the MEville to WEville: Early Literacy and Communication Supplemental Curriculum. It is designed for early primary students with cognitive disabilities in the moderate to severe range. MEville to WEville contains a comprehensive, systematic instructional approach that is required for students with disabilities to experience literacy … Read more

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