Book of the Month!

If your child was born in 2014, they may have received “Pup and Bear” in the mail this month!

Snuggle up with your child and read this tale of kindness in the Arctic.

When you read this book again, try to engage with your child using the tips below.

Starting Up: Talk about arctic weather and explain that polar bears and arctic wolves live in the cold with ice and snow.

Reading: When the pup and bear play together, talk about things you and your child like to do. Reading could be one of them! Ask your child what they think will happen next when the grown wolf meets the baby polar bear.

After Reading: Ask your child questions about the story. What are ways the polar bear helped the wolf pup? Have you ever felt afraid? When have you been kind or accepting towards someone else?

Find more suggestions like these in the back of your Imagination Library book!