Book of the Month!

Did your child receive “Otis and the Kittens” by Loren Long in the mail this month?

If so, get ready to enjoy this story about a tractor who reminds readers that sometimes even those who we count on to help us need a little help themselves. Have your child follow along as you read about how Otis the tractor tries to save a group of kittens!

Try some of the suggestions below during story time with your child!

Starting Up: Explain that Otis is a tractor. Talk about how tractors are used on farms. Have your child try counting the kittens on the cover.

Reading the Story: Ask your child which farm animals are playing tug-of-war in the book. Mimic the sounds these animals make!

After the Story: Ask your child questions about the story. When Otis was trapped, how did the animals work together to help him? Have you ever helped someone? How did that feel?

Find more suggestions like these in the back of your Imagination Library book!