Book of the Month

Is your child almost five? He or she probably received “As an Oak Tree Grows” by G. Brian Karas in the mail this month!

This picture book shows two hundred years of events from the perspective of an oak tree, showing how much the world can change from a single point. This book begins in 1775 with an acorn and travels through history to present day, showing us how human and animal populations move and the landscape turns from country to city. Some things change a lot, while others seem to hardly change at all.

Starting up: ask what your child can identify as different between the two halves of the cover illustration. Suggest topics like weather, buildings, and transportation.

Reading the story: Take note of the dates on the bottom of the page as they set up a timeline; ask your child to notice the water and hills that remain constant in the background, while boats, houses, and streets change.

Ask questions: What did the oak tree grow from? What caused the tree to split in two? How did the tree change as it grew? What about the world around the tree?