Book of the Month

In March, your child born in 2015 may have received “Pretend” by Jennifer Plecas.

In this story, a boy and his dad use their imagination to go on a journey together, travelling wherever their minds take them.

For the first reading, sit with your child and read the book together. Enjoy!

For the next readings, try some of the tips below.

Starting up: Read the title out loud and talk about games of pretend your child enjoys.

Reading: Periodically ask your child what might happen next in this exciting story!

When the characters pretend to make binoculars with their hands, take a moment to do it too. Describe what you pretend to see through your binoculars and ask your child to do the same. Feel free to be silly!

After reading: Ask your child questions. How did the boy and his father help each other? How do you feel when you help someone? When was a time you helped someone or your parent helped you?