Read Across Ridgewood Event

Eric Barnes, with daughter Naeemah, enrolling his son Dakarai in Imagination Library at a local elementary school literacy event.

The ILKIS team was thrilled to be asked to attend the “Read Across Ridgewood” event last week to help enroll children in Imagination Library. The event was part of the local elementary school’s celebration of Read Across America week. Although the elementary students already aged out of Imagination Library, the goal was to share information about reading and to have parents enroll any of their younger children in the program.

ILKIS team member Elizabeth Swaggerty set up an Imagination Library table, with enrollment forms and examples of books, at an evening literacy event at the school. She was able to provide parents with tips for reading to babies and toddlers and enroll many younger siblings. It was exciting to interact with these young families, and also hear from parents and the elementary school students about their Imagination Library experiences so far!

Dr. Elizabeth Swaggerty with our Imagination Library table last week.

Learn more about how Ridgewood Elementary School celebrated Read Across America week in this story by the local news!