About the Authors

About The Author

Susan C. Pearce is an Assistant Professor of Sociology at East Carolina University. She conducts research on cultural contexts of politics, particularly concerning ethnicity, migration, gender, and social movements. She is the co-author of Immigration and Women: Understanding the American Experience (New York University Press, 2011, with Elizabeth J. Clifford and Reena Tandon), and the co-editor of the anthologies Reformulations: Markets, Policy, and Identities in Central and Eastern Europe. Currently, she is researching gender-based violence and migration from Southeast Europe (with a grant from the Woodrow Wilson Center for Scholars), immigration and intimate partner violence, immigrant women in North Carolina, and the collective memory of the 1989 revolutions in East-Central Europe. She received her PhD in Sociology from the New School for Social Research, and has served on the Sociology faculties of Gettysburg College, West Virginia University, University of Gdansk (Poland), and Central European University (Poland).

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Miranda Guardiola is a graduate student at East Carolina University. She will be graduating in December of 2015 with her Master’s in Sociology, concentrating in Applied Social Research and Statistics. Her main interests are health, gender, and human trafficking. Since attending graduate school, Miranda has worked for Dr. Bob Edwards, Dr. Melinda Kane and Dr. Susan Pearce in the Department of Sociology as a Graduate Teacher Assistant. She also holds the position of Project Manager for an inter-departmental survey research project between ECU’s Volunteer Service Learning Center and the Sociology Department. These roles have enabled her to research immigration. She obtained her Bachelor’s of Science in Sociology with a minor is Biology at East Carolina University in 2013. Linkedin



Latoya Alston helped initiate this blog as a graduate student in Sociology at East Carolina University. She graduated in May of 2014 with a Masters of Arts in Sociology. Her main interests are gender, race, and social class. She plans to use her research on these topics to work with victims of domestic or intimate partner violence. She obtained her Bachelor’s of Science in Political Science and Bachelor’s of Arts at East Carolina in 2012.

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