Immigration News: General

Aid organisations scale back work in Greece as they react to EU-Turkey deal

April 11, 2016

On the road … a journey through the Bible for migrants

April 11, 2016

For Refugees – responding as Good Samaritans

April 11, 2016

Refugee sets hotel on fire, draws swastika to get new room

April 11, 2016

International community must join forces to help exhausted Greece says Archbishop

April 11, 2016

EU aid an ineffective tool to end the migration crisis

April 11, 2016

Refugees Plant The Seeds Of A New Community In Kansas City

April 10, 2016

Greece resumes migrant deportations to Turkey amid protests

April 8, 2016

Erdogan warns he will ditch refugee deal if EU breaks promises

April 8, 2016

EU may require visas from Americans and Canadians

April 8, 2016

Gay, atheist student from Malaysia has refugee claim accepted

April 6, 2016

Hungary claims it was forced to build border fence

April 6, 2016

Georgieva urges Eastern Europe to contribute more to border security

April 6, 2016

Uganda: Registered refugees and asylum-seekers (as of 01 April 2016)

April 6, 2016

Churches respond to the refugee crisis

April 5, 2016

New website – Focus on Refugees in Europe

April 5, 2016

Immigration News- United Kingdom

April 4, 2016

Aid agency denounces ‘politicisation’ of humanitarian assistance

April 4, 2016

Refugees Deeply Executive Summary for April 4

April 4, 2016

Refugees due to be returned from Lesbos, Greece to Turkey

April 4, 2016

Europe Refugee Emergency – Site locations in Greece (As of 02 April 2016 08:00 a.m. EET)

April 3, 2016

Uncertainty prevails on day before Greece starts returns of migrants

April 3, 2016

Refugees Fear Forced Return To Myanmar After Historic Election

April 1, 2016

Libyan human traffickers prey on traveling refugees

April 1, 2016

Ukrainian Immigrant

April 1, 2016

EU-Turkey deal: Refugees still not welcome

March 31, 2016

World, not just Europe, is failing child refugees

March 31, 2016

Canada pledges to continue to resettle refugees from Syria

March 30, 2016

Idomeni refugee camp: Europe’s ‘catastrophe’

March 30, 2016

Fire Destroys Burmese Refugee Homes, Thai Military Post

March 30, 2016

Priest Gambles Away Money For Christian Refugees

March 29, 2016

Less than 2% of Syrian refugees resettled

March 29, 2016

Ankara accused of forcibly repatriating at-risk Afghans

March 29, 2016

Churches appeal to government to settle more refugees- United Kingdom

March 29, 2016

EU Braces for Flow of ‘800,000’ Refugees from Libya

March 28, 2016

German rail service to roll out ‘women-only’ train cars amid fears over migrant assaults

March 28, 2016

Pope Francis washes feet of refugees for Easter Week

March 25, 2016

The refugee crisis: A European call for action

March 21, 2016

Tsipras: ‘I hope we won’t face the Donald Trump experience’

March 21, 2016

Internationally educated nurses to get head start in relicensing before immigrating to Canada

March 17, 2016

Auditors slam EU migration response as ‘incoherent’

March 17, 2016

U.S. admitted only 2 Christian refugees out of 281 from Syria in first two months of 2016

March 15, 2016

Hungary declares ‘state of crisis’, poised to build more fences

March 10, 2016

Christian Refugees Persecuted in Sweden

March 9, 2016

Balkan Route ‘closed’ after cascade of border shutdowns

March 9, 2016


March 4, 2016

Scottish Faiths Action for Refugees

March 4, 2016

Tusk warns refugees away from Europe

March 4, 2016

Refugee teen charged with rape of social worker after finishing course on how to behave with women

February 24, 2016

Japan: Two Muslim “refugees” arrested in gang rape of woman

February 24, 2016

Left Media Migrant Rape Cover-Up: HuffPo, Indy, AND United Nations Claim Cologne Attackers ‘Not Refugees’, German Prosecutor: ‘Total Nonsense’

February 15, 2016

Discussing Female Immigrant Entrepreneurship. Talk on Ernestine Schumann-Heink at Göttingen University

February 12, 2016

Iraqi migrant rapes a 10-year-old boy at a swimming pool in Vienna and tells police it was a ‘sexual emergency’ because he hadn’t had sex in months

February 6, 2016

The rapist refugee as Germany’s boogeyman

February 5, 2016

Interest in US Politics Growing Among African Immigrants

January 27, 2016

36-Year-Old Iraqi Migrant Sexually Abuses 8-Year-Old Girl in Park

January 17, 2016

Europe Looks the Over Way on Massive Sexual Assault

January 16, 2016

The chickens are coming home to roost on Europe’s unwillingness to offend.

January 16, 2016

African immigrant says he fought with U.S. woman in Italy but ‘she was still alive’

January 15, 2016

Priority Should be Given to Christian Refugees

January 14, 2016

Syrian “Refugees” Rape Three-Year-Old Boy in Norway

January 13, 2016

State of the Union guests reflect Obama’s hopes for legacy

January 10, 2016

EU countries advised to prepare for health threats from refugees

January 8, 2016

An Open Letter to Black African Immigrants

January 7, 2016

Muslim Male “Refugees” Are Gang Raping Women in Europe

January 7, 2016

FIGHTBACK: German Vigilante Groups Pledge To Protect Women In Migrant Sex Assault Cities

January 7, 2016

Refugees and the Church: Church of Scotland review

January 5, 2016

Cologne Mayor: Women Should Be More Careful After Migrant Mass Rapes, Promises ‘Guidance’ So They Can ‘Prepare’

January 5, 2016

Archbishop of Canterbury’s New Year Message addresses refugees

January 5, 2016

Community-based study seeks to break barriers to cancer screening among Afghan immigrant women

January 1, 2016

Muslim Refugees Are Committing This SICK Crime and Getting Away With It!

January 1, 2016

New documentary asks who benefits from unauthorized immigration to the United States

November 2, 2015

An excerpt from Click on the link above for the whole story.
The Second Cooler, a film by Ellin Jimmerson and narrated by Martin Sheen, is a documentary about the struggle for migrant justice. Although the film primarily focuses on Arizona, the issues it highlights are very relevant right here in North Carolina: anti-immigrant state policies, the abuses in the H-2B and H-2A guestworker programs, the lack of way for poor Mexicans to legally immigrate to the United States, and the devastating impact of free trade agreements on Mexico driving Mexicans to migrate north.”

Profile of Syrian Immigrants in the United States

November 1, 2015

MEDIA RELEASE: New hot-line available to report problems with House Bill 318

October 30, 2015

Due to Pat McCrory’s action in signing the House Bill 318, an anti-immigration bill, the North Carolina Justice Center is providing a hot-line service where people can help track the impact of this policy. The North Carolina Justice Center encourages anyone who has experienced problems as a result of the law to call the hot-line: (919) 526-0676. Please click on the link for their full statement.

Breaking News: Statement from the NC Justice Center: House Bill 318 takes our state down the wrong path

October 28, 2015

On October 28, 2015, Governor Pat McCrory signed the House Bill 318. The North Carolina Justice Center makes a statement that they are deeply disappointed by Gov. Pat McCrory’s decision to sign HB 318. The NC Justice Center states that they have consistently called for the Governor to veto what they consider to be a harmful legislation. In their opinion, the law undermines how local governments address their own needs when it comes to immigrant communities and makes North Carolina appear to be a hostile place for newcomers of all identities. ( Follow this link for the entire statement.

North Carolina Women United: “Veto This Bill”

October 20, 2015

The North Carolina Women United organization has proclaimed that they are proud to and will stand by the immigrant community and urge Pat McCrory to veto the House Bill 318 legislation. The NCWU claim that this bill is not about protecting North Carolina workers. Instead, it is about scapegoating the immigrant community for the failures of our state leadership to contribute to a robust economy that benefits all. In their opinion, this bill enforces racist beliefs in an effort to manipulate voters and further consolidate power and wealth. Click on the link to read the entire story.

Has the U.S. Really Shifted on Deportations?

October 20, 2015

Last year President Obama made policy changes that shifted protocols towards which undocumented immigrants would be targeted for deportation. In November of 2014, Obama stated that certain undocumented immigrants would be prioritized for deportation; felons, criminals, gang members, etc. will be prioritized over families, children, and mothers. However, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) is falling under scrutiny as not following these priorities. Click on the link for more of the story.

For Some Refugees, Safe Haven Now Depends on a DNA Test

October 19, 2015

Many seek refugee status and asylum relief in the United States, but it is no easy feat for these to be granted. A mother, father, and daughter were granted refugee status, but are still waiting for the arrival of three other children who are still stranded in Ethiopia. However, to the family’s dismay, only two of the three stranded children have been granted refugee status and to be reunited with their family. One of their children is actually a niece, who the family unofficially adopted. In 1999, immigration officials no longer granted access to extended family in efforts to curb fraudulent applications. Hence, for those seeking family reunification, immigration policy presents another obstacle to overcome: a DNA test. Click on the link for the full news story.

Why Immigration is Different For Pope Francis

September 23, 2015

Being an immigrant himself, the Argentinian Pope has a different stance on immigration, offering a more pastoral approach than a political one. He emphasizes that there is a pastoral mission to serve immigrants and makes the following statement: “Perhaps it will not be easy for you to look into their soul; perhaps you will be challenged by their diversity. But know that they also possess resources meant to be shared,” he said. “So do not be afraid to welcome them. Offer them the warmth of the love of Christ and you will unlock the mystery of their heart. I am certain that, as so often in the past, these people will enrich America and its Church.” Click on the link for more information regarding the Pope’s stance on immigration.

The NC Council of Churches offers Clergy Series on Immigration

Fall 2015

“The NC Council of Churches is hitting the road this fall to continue its successful statewide clergy series on immigration. These events are geared toward busy religious professionals and faith leaders, and they provide an overview of immigration issues in the context of a great networking event (and free meal). This series revolves around sharing a meal together and hearing from knowledgeable people who are directly affected by immigration issues in their ministries. It’s a forum for honest questions and positive conversation among local colleagues, and everyone will walk away with additional resources and contacts,” stated by Jennie Belle, MDiv/MSW; Program Associate for Farmworker & Immigrant Rights. For more information, please visit their website

MEDIA RELEASE: Tuition equity for undocumented students furthers education and boosts economy

June 20, 2014

Between punishment and discipline: comparing strategies to control unauthorized immigration in the United States

May 10, 2014

This article discusses the rise of discourse relating to immigration into the United States. More specifically, this text addresses the discourse of the “immigrant threat” that depicts all immigrants as an “existential threat to the country.” There are political debates between and within politicians over immigration reform legislation where politicians, ranging from conservative Republicans to liberal Democrats, admittedly agree with the assumptions of the “immigrant threat” discourse. Consequently, outlined in this text are varying methods of immigrant management.

Charlotte, N.C. Strives to Integrate Immigrants

February 1, 2014

North Carolina City Creates Project for Better Immigrant Integration

February 1, 2014

The Republican Party’s Impossible Immigration Balancing Act

January 28, 2014


Rep. Ellmers backs conditional amnesty, fuels primary challenge

January 27, 2014

Illegal Aliens in North Carolina Demand In-State Tuition Rates

January 14, 2014

N.C. DREAM Team attorney: DACA students should receive in-state tuition

January 10, 2014

Woman brings attention to immigration reform by video

January 10, 2014


5 Immigration Laws that the House Passed in an Election Year

January 9, 2014

Why Are Children Working in American Tobacco Fields?

November 12, 2013


House Democrats Unveil Comprehensive Immigration Reform Policy

October 2, 2013


April 28: Boston and Immigration, North Carolina’s Republican revolution, and the SEC

September 13, 2013

Centro Latino looks at immigration reform – NC immigration expert: Reform ‘going to take a long time’

May 1, 2013

Why NC anti-immigrant bill should be called the “Repo” Act

April 29, 2013

Kentucky experience indicates that anti-immigrant bills cost taxpayers and communities

April 29, 2013

NC group urges college tuition equality regardless of immigration status

April 12, 2013

The Immigration Movement: Without A Unified Leader, But On The Cusp Of Success

April 10, 2013

Lawmakers press for new driving restrictions for undocumented immigrants

April 10, 2013

Unequal Pay Day for Immigrant Women

April 9, 2013

What You Need to Know About the Indiana University Strike

April 8, 2013

Latina leader says gays are an ‘abomination’

April 3, 2013

N.C. Gov. McCrory eliminates Latino affairs office, raising community concerns

March 28, 2013

The Key Elements of a Successful Immigration Policy

March 25, 2013

DMV Drops Plans for Pink Stripe on Immigrant Licenses

March 22, 2013

Bill would bar illegal immigrants from public colleges

March 5, 2013

Federal Government Set Deportation Quota – USA Today Reports on Records First Uncovered by ACLU

January 15, 2013

As states weigh licenses for young illegal immigrants, N.C. switches its position

January 10, 2013

Activist Group Helps Save North Carolina Immigrant from Deportation

December 22, 2012

Time Warner Cable at center of deportation case

December 10, 2012

North Carolina Softens Stances Against Undocumented Immigrants

December 7, 2012

Not Legal, Not Leaving

June 25, 2012

Immigration committee holds public meeting in Raleigh Wednesday afternoon

March 28, 2012

NC still eyes tougher stance on illegal immigration

January 26, 2012

North Carolina Seafood Company to Implement Gender Non-Discrimination Policy After Guest Workers’ Lawsuit

November 21, 2011

Migrants’ woes: bed bugs, foul toilets, illness

November 4, 2011

Social Capital and the Experience of Prejudice, Aggression and Discrimination among Immigrants, US-Born Minorities, and Whites in Greensboro, North Carolina

Fall/Winter 2011

The UNCG Center for New North Carolinians: University Research and Service for Immigrant Empowerment

Fall/Winter 2011

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