ECU Graduate Student Awarded Funds to Implement iPod Learning in the Classroom


Krista Bond, a 4th/5th grade looping teacher and MAEd student in Instructional Technology was awarded $3000 by the North Carolina Technology in Education Society  to implement learning with IPods in her classroom.  Ms. Bond writes, “The students will use iPod Touch devices as a method of hands-on instruction that will increase student engagement, provide real world application, and boost inquiry-based learning opportunities.  The students will refine their 21st century skills as they use iPod touch devices to build content area skills through tutorials, videos, and iTunes U.  The students will also create products through the use of Web 2.0 applications and corresponding apps.”  We are excited about this opportunity for Ms. Bond to apply what she is learning in her coursework at ECU directly into her classroom where she is engaging students in the learning process through powerful uses of technology.  Congratulations Krista, we look forward to hearing more about the results of this promising project!

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