Teaching PE in Korea

Here is information of Teaching physical education in Korean schools:(Teaching PE in Korea)

35 thoughts on “Teaching PE in Korea”

  1. If possible can some one help me to understand these questions?

    a. What are the procedures to become a physical educator in Korea that are approved through educational policies at nation, state, district, and school level?

    b. Can you describe and discuss examples of teacher preparation programs in Korea?

  2. How long is a school in Korea? At the elementary level how often do you see a class? I see mine once a week for 45 minutes.
    What are some pros & cons in teaching PE in Korea?

  3. I get information from this site(http://mom.eduhope.net).
    It introduces know-how and new sports that teachers of current physical education teach information sharing site. It is beneficial because there are many activities of teachers.

  4. Most of the parents of our country is aware of the importance of children’s education and a bold investment in their children’s education.

    Reading, mathematics, basic science curriculum achievement of the highest among OECD member states.

    It is an ICT infrastructure that can be performed on the smart classroom training provided by default, and there is a variety of smart educational content being developed at a rapid pace.

    South Korea elementary school is 4.4 hours.

  5. This should be learned in PETE topic, Richard. Could you please go back to PETE issue to learn more about the process of becoming a teacher?

  6. My phone translates that webpage but it doesn’t do a good job can someone give a summary. Please.

  7. So jealous that Physical Education is required in (some) schools in all years of high school. It looks like we are headed in that direction at least in North Carolina, however it is not yet in place to the best of my knowledge.

  8. What types of activities are taught at what ages? The school day is 4.4 hours long? How are the classes broken down for each day? Is there a specific subject taught each day or are all subjects taught throughout the day?

  9. Are there sports played at the various school age levels? For example when our students are in Middle School, they can play an after school sport like volleyball, basketball, football etc.. it is sponsored and supported by the school. Not all students make the team there are tryouts and cuts. As a PE teacher do many or any of you coach sports for your schools or just out in your community?

  10. That is an interesting question Jennifer because in some countries they do not have high school vs high school sports but club vs club.

  11. Elementary is 6years, Middle and High school are each 3years. Also, Elementary PE classes are 3hours every week and each class 40min. Middle PE classes are 2hours every week and each class 45min.

  12. Korean physical education teachers have low use of textbooks. So the need for textbooks is being discussed in the field. Therefore almost all gym teachers apply what they like or do well in class.

  13. National Physical Education Office made a curriculum and it says
    3days weekly from elementary school(3th to 6th), 3days weekly (7,8th), 2days weekly(9th to high school) is PE requirement date. PE is required by 10th grade and 11th and 12th students have to choose one from PE, music, art classes.
    To assess students for PE course, there are practical test and multiple choice test. Practical test is more outweigh than multiple choice test. There is a PE textbook but PE teacher does not teach with the textbook. Students read and study with the textbook by themselves out of PE class for multiple choice test. PE teacher usually teaches for practical tests.
    PE teachers decide what to teach from the curriculum made by National Physical Education Office. The curriculum recommends several sports. They choose what to teach before the first semester.

  14. Korea also has an after-school program but that is not essential. that is covered various sports as you mentioned. such as volleyball, basketball, Taekwondo, Yoga, and gymnastics and so on. Each after-school classes can be subdivided into two level, so teachers teach to student separately. For instance, We call the Elementary students 1-3 grades are the lower grades. and 4-6 grades are the upper grades.

  15. In Korea,
    Elementary grade 1-2 (8-9years old) kids do not have PE class, instead they learn ‘Safety Lesson’, instructions about how to deal with or prevent emergency situations.
    Starting from grade 3, they attend PE class and total lesson time in year is 408 (grade 3-4: 204, grade 5-6:204), three hours per week.
    For middle school, total number of lesson per three year curriculum is 272 and for highschool, more than 10 units (1 unit is 50 mins class X 17 classes).

  16. Pros & cons : Many students are being healthy and getting smile ang get positive mind through teaching PE. And it make some good students who wants to be a PE teacher.

  17. It is also discussing providing opportunities for middle and high school students to learn Taekwondo in the school’s physical education curriculum in our country.
    Here are some things teenagers can do to enjoy and experience Taekwondo in this country.

    (1) Taekwondo is actively included in sports classes.
    (2) Develop a school program after Taekwondo.
    (3) Develop and apply for Taekwondo school sports club and Taekwondo club.
    (4) Including Taekwondo programs in school festivals, school sports events, etc.
    (5) A national education policy is necessary for young people to experience Taekwondo at school.

  18. Having classes 3 days weekly would be awesome! Twice a weeks is still more oftent than some of our students recieve it here. How many PE teachers are their usually in a school?

  19. Wow.. I didn’t know there is such an emphasis on Taekwondo in Korea.. Interesting..
    Taekwondo is one of popular Martial arts in USA for all age groups..

  20. I have my blackbelt in TKD and every year my students receive classes through Physical Education . The training is awesome and my students LOVE it πŸ™‚ One of the best activities for cardio and discipline I know.

  21. In the textbooks of elementary school physical education (3rd~4th grade, 5th~6th grade), elementary school years are described as a period of ‘basic education about physical activity value’, when students begin to understand, perform, and appreciate health, challenge, competition, expression, and leisure activities. Since elementary physical education is the beginning stage of physical education in public education, it aims to form healthy lifestyle, promote basic physical fitness, nurture the ability to express or carry out basic exercise, acquire exercise norms, and develop leisure attitude. Especially, during the 3rd and 4th grade of elementary school, the emphasis is placed on the formation of attitude needed to carry out 5 types of physical activity. During the 5th and 6th grade, the emphasis is placed on the development of ability to put the physical activity into practice based on the attitude formed thus far. Plan and instruct each unit accordingly.

  22. Jennifer Troxel~
    I sent an email.
    (Example of the Unit Instruction Plan of Challenges for the 3rd Grade of Elementary School )
    Note please.

  23. I thought I already sent this message but that is so interesting that Taekwondo is so involved in the Physical Education Curriculum.

  24. WOW 3 days a week!!
    I only see my students every 8 days which is almost equal to 3 times a month. Your students are truly blessed

  25. Richard,
    In the area where I teach many TKD schools will come out to our school and give free classes and demonstrations. It promotes goodwill within the community and the discipline it requires carries over into the classroom .

  26. At most five PE teachers in a school.
    In Korea, many schools do not have gym so if it rains, students have to read book or study in classroom.. thus 3 hours weekly is the maximum number of PE courses.

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