14 thoughts on “Korean Culture – Foods”

  1. Korean foods are classified with accompanies and desserts on a large scale. Staple foods are boiled rices, porridges, noodles, etc., and accompanies are soups, stews, jeongols, stir-fries, steamed dishes, seons, salads, herbs, boiled foods, chos, fried dishes, roasted meats, pancakes, sashimies, green-wrapped foods, slice of boiled meats, cow-foot gelatins, fried kelps, jerkies, pickled vegetables, kimchies, salted sea foods. Desserts are classified with cakes and fruits such as rice cakes, crackers, and fruits, and beverages such as teas, and drinks on a large scale. The food, the most favorite to me, is grilled rib with various herbs and side dishes added. The food, the most famous traditional food in my home town, in which I live now, is “Jeonju bibimbap”. Bibimbap tasting delicious to Korean people is made by mixing boiled rices, a variety of herbs, and other dishes.

  2. All of the foods that you describe seem very healthy . In the United States we have an abundance of fast food which is very unhealthy. We also have many citizens with diseases such as obesity and diabetes due mainly to our diet.
    It is very easy to go to a drive through and buy a cheap unhealthy fast meal than to go home and cook. We need to change the way we eat here.

  3. For breakfast, lunch, and dinner, Koreans have traditionally enjoyed slow food which require long time to prepare, such as rice, soup, stew, and some side dishes. But, now, those who lead busy daily schedules frequently skip breakfast, and prefer fast food like lunch box sold in the market and others.
    But, our family members like slow and healthy food.

  4. We have many typical foods in Korea. These days, perhaps, most people around the world know kimchi, traditional Korean dish. It means Kimchi is most typical food in Korea. Korean People eat kimchi at every meal. It is delicious and healthy. But little bit spicy to foreigner. I hope that kimchi be famous in the world as soon as possible.

  5. There are many types of lunch boxes.
    There are kimchi, soup, rice, and other side dishes in the lunch box.

  6. Nowadays, it is easy to have global foods in Korea. However, we had have meals always with rice or noodle. We have many kinds of noodle and side dishes that are good to eat with rice. Koreans like spicy food averagely and Kimchi is one of the most popular Korean traditional foods. I think there are many delicious and not famous foods for foreigners. I would like to have chance to give you tastes of various Korean foods.

  7. Rice and noodle are sort of Korea’s main food. Korea people like to eating spicy foods. Korea food has so many different types of spicy food. one of the most common spicy food is Kimch. Have you ever ate Kimch? Kimch is made by lettuce, daikon, or cucumber and so on. I prefer korea food as well as american food. When I study abroad in US, I used to eat american food such as burger, pizza, chipolet, and chic-fil-A! I love these foods.

  8. Are any of these food able to be considered fast food? This is a high demand in the USA, I was just curious to how it works in South Korea?

  9. I love how you have described your foods. Here i think the are of cooking much like many other things are falling to the wayside. Some families still cook and eat together. Whereas some are going to restaurants or ordering food to take home. I have always loved having the opportunity to cook with others to see the kinds of food they make. A good friend of mine is from Puerto Rico and I always love cooking with her and learning about the foods from her culture and family. I grew up with a lot of meat (pork, cow, deer,) and potatoes, green beans, corn, squash,strawberries, rhubarb and whatever else was grown in the area. A lot of the food from the fields and garden was either canned or frozen to be eaten during the winter as well. Is the Bibimbap a spicy food? Why is it your favorite? Are there certain foods eaten during only certain holidays or celebrations?

  10. The food in the US ranges from many parts of the world and transformed to accommodate the people who live here. Many restaurants that is in the US comprises of fast food restaurants. These restaurants serve food to their customers in a quick manner and serve different types of food such as burgers, fries, chicken sandwiches, sodas, shakes, snack foods, and much more depending on the restaurant. Most of these foods though are not healthy for people because they are using cheaper products to make their food and comprises of much more than anyone needs on the day. Much of the foods though that really makes American culture is cook out style food. Most of these foods can be made on the grill, stove, fires, and much more and those meals can range from hot dogs, hamburgers, fixings like mac and cheese, Cole slaw, fries, beans and much more. Lately though the American tradition on foods is transforming into a healthier lifestyle such as vegetarian and vegan and then evolving the foods we used to eat and finding better ways of making it to consume better nutrients and enjoy the food.

  11. As you know, korean traditional food is bulgogi and kinchi and usually enjoy spicy foods.
    Do you like spicy food? I’ll recommend you “Dukbockgi” when you visit in korea
    recently “Makgeoli” of korean liquor very famous. specailly many foreigners buy drinks when they visit korea.
    what a special is that korea is all the food is available delivery 24/7 so very convenient.

  12. Recently, the Korean food has gotten more beef. Because of FTA.
    However Koreans still like Kimchi and Rice.

  13. I’d like to introduce traditional Korean food, doenjang stew.

    Doenjang is often translated as bean paste in English. It is one of the most commonly used sauces in Korea.

    You can make doenjang stew by boiling water with deonjang. Then you can add other ingredients such as tofu, pepper, mushrooms, anchovies and etc.

    Korean people usually eat doenjang stew with rice and other side dishes.

    Doenjang stew is known as high protein and low calorie food.

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