ECU Students’ Introduction

12 thoughts on “ECU Students’ Introduction”

  1. Hi My name is John and I’m a ECU graduate student in physical education. I just recently graduated in may from ECU with a bachelors degree in Athletic Training and now working as an AT at a local high school around ECU. I have lived in the same area in the US my whole life and haven’t really traveled outside of the US. I enjoyed playing sports growing up and still continue to participate in many different sporting activities. one interesting fact I have is that I was born on Christmas Day. I have one mom and dad that still live the same house I grew up in, one older sister and a long term girlfriend with a dog. I look forward to learning about the korean culture since I really do not have much experience or exposure to the Korean culture. Growing up I really didn’t know much about the Asian culture and how many sub cultures are within it. I also look forward to finally really learning about the Korean culture since really the only cultures I was continually exposed to was Chinese and Japanese cultures.

  2. Hello!
    My name is Barrett Sloan. I was born on April 7th 1993 which makes me 24 years old. I come from a household where my father was a physical education teacher and coach all os his life, and this has influenced me to do the same. I currently am an elementary physical education teacher. I have been at my school for 2 and a half years. I graduated from East Carolina with my undergraduate degree in physical education, and now I have enrolled back into ECU to pursue a master’s degree. I have lived in a small community about an hour southeast of North Carolina’s capital of Raleigh. I graduated from Midway High School where I participated in multiple sports, of which I coach today at Triton High School. Growing up in southeast North Carolina we as students were not exposed to other cultures as much as we would have liked. In saying this I am excited to have the opportunity to work with you guys to learn the Korean culture. I am excited that we get to discuss physical education within our different cultures because I have never been exposed to other culture’s physical education. I look forward to working with everyone.

  3. My name is Kimberly Williams, and I am a health and physical education teacher, and athletic director and first responder for the middle school which I work. The school I work in is located in a very small town just outside of a large city, but is within the large city district. I was born January 26th in Charlotte, the same place I currently live. I went to Western Carolina University after I graduated from High School, majoring in athletic training before switching to health and physical education education. I graduated from WCU in May of 2014 and began working at my current school in August of 2014. I currently teach 6,7,and 8th grade health and physical education. I am nearing the end of my masters degree at ECU, and plan to graduate in June.
    I am fluent in French and speak some Spanish. From Kindergarten through 5th grade all of my classes were in French, immersion program. I continued my education with high level French courses through middle school, and began learning Spanish. As I moved to high school, the opportunity for elite level French was non-existent and the Spanish teachers didn’t provide abilities to continue to grow in Spanish, and I stopped learning both languages in school.
    I was a foreign exchange student in Limoges France in 8t grade, and Pierre came here in March of that same year. I have visited several places in France in addition to London, with so many places on my bucket list, I am excited to learn about your cultures and inspire more travel in my near future.

  4. Hello! My name is Hallie Sayre and I am 22 years old! In May of 2017, I graduated from Lynchburg College with a bachelors degree in athletic training. I am currently an athletic trainer at a high school in Greenville, North Carolina. I love being able to help athletes stay healthy while also keeping them safe in sports. I am also working towards a masters degree in Physical Education at ECU. I am from Waynesboro, Virginia while I was born in Birmingham, Alabama. Waynesboro is a very small town so I was not exposed to a lot of other cultures. I have travelled to Canada, Mexico, and France. I am looking forward to learning more about other cultures!

  5. My name is Bradley Thomas and I am a graduate student to become a physical education teacher. I am 23 years old from the city of Raleigh, North Carolina. I work for the ECU Pirates athletic department where I help plan and setup for college football (American), basketball, soccer, baseball, and softball games, as well as many other events on our campus. I graduated with an undergraduate degree in Recreation & Park Management at ECU as well. I love the outdoors and traveling to other states in this country, but I have not recently had the chance to travel to other countries. When I was five years old, however, I lived in Montpellier, France for one year. I am really looking forward to meeting and working with new people from around the world through Global Link.

  6. My name is Sonya Wilson. I am an elementary Physical Education and Health Specialist. I teach in Winston-Salem North Carolina in a Title 1 school. I work with lower income children that live in poverty. I am married and have three adult children. I enjoy teaching elementary students the best. They are fun , creative and challenging group to work with. This is my first year at a new school. I taught for 13 years at my previous school. I like working with parents and the community as well. I place a high importance on health and wellness and just completed a community health fair for my school.
    One of my favorite things to do is visit the mountains. We live about 2 hours away and my husband and I go often. Our oldest son is in school there.
    I enjoy living in North Carolina where we have 4 seasons. Winter is my favorite , I enjoy the snow very much. I don’t like the hot weather. Currently I am getting ready for field day at our school. All of our students enjoy this the most. I believe this is one of the best things about teaching at this level.
    I am excited to learn more about Korean culture. I studied TKD for about 6 years and am a first degree black belt. I wish I had more time to keep it up. I am also very excited to learn about Belgian culture.
    Hope to see pictures of both .
    My family has hosted exchange students in our home for many years as my children were growing up. I love to learn about life in other countries and I have many gifts around our house from my children in other countries. I love to use Facebook to keep up with everyone. That is a wonderful way to communicate with them. I get to see pictures and catch up when we can.
    I hope to learn a lot from this course on how different and how similar we really are .

  7. Hello! My name is Jennifer. I am a Wife, Mother, and Teacher among many other things. I grew up in the Midwest and loved all of the experiences of growing up in a farming community. I have been living in the South for a few years and the one thing I miss the most is snow and all the fun outdoor activities you can do in it, from sled riding to ice fishing.
    My husband Michael is an amazing man, he is currently working on his Doctorate. We have two young children, who are full of energy, laughter, love and mischievousness.
    I am working towards my Master’s Degree. My goal is to continue teaching as long as I can. I have no desire to move into to any administration roles. I love being in the classroom and have enjoyed coaching in the past. I have an Aquatics background, it however is the one sport I did not participate in that I probably should have. I did not do swim team it may be one of the few regrets I have, however there is always masters level competition as I get older, I can participate in.

  8. Hi! My name is Collin and I am a 22 years old. I was born in California, raised in Okinawa, Japan, and currently living in Eastern North Carolina. My parents actually moved back to Okinawa two years ago after my dad retired from the Marine Corps. I graduated from ECU the past summer with a bachelors in Physical Education and immediately enrolled in graduate school to pursue my MAEd in Physical Education. I currently work as a Graduate Assistant in the Kinesiology Department where I teach a few sections of a required health-fitness related physical education class to college students. Although I really prefer the elementary level! I look forward to working with you guys and learning about the Korean culture!

  9. Hello,

    My name is Joe Mendenhall and I am working on my master’s degree at ECU. I currently teach physical education at a small high school in northern Michigan. There are about 400 students in the whole high school. This is my third year of teaching at this school and ninth overall year of teaching. I taught down in North Carolina for six years. I am currently the head middle school football coach and head JV softball coach at my school. I graduated from Hope College in 2005. While attending school there I played football. I love sports and they have always been a very important part of my life. I am married to my beautiful wife April and we have two sons. One is 3 1/2 years old and the other will be 8 months old at the end of this month. For hobbies I like to spend time with my family, workout, hunt, and fish. I look forward to learning about your culture and your physical education practices and how I may be able to incorporate them into my practice here in the United States

  10. Hi My name is KyunghwaLee. I am 30years old. I was born in Seoul that is capital city in South Korea. I am interested in watching sports like basketball, soccer and so on. Last year, I used to participate in UF intramural sports that are Kickball and big pink volleyball.
    Anyway, Have you heard about Rhythmic gymnastics(RG)? I started rhythmic gymnastics at the age of 8 and before I retired, I belonged to the national team for 6years. Now, I am studying on PhD about sports pedagogy also I have been teaching RG to elementary and middle schools since 2012.

    I look forward to learning about US culture with you guys.

  11. Hello , Nice to meet you.

    My name is Yang, Myeong-won.

    I am a housewife with a daughter but these have not presented me much hindrance with not only studying, carrying out household chores but also engaging in social activities actively .

    I would say I have tried to do my best what I need to do daily.

    I am especially good at ballet, and I take delight in doing Yoga, pilates, jiu-jitsu and others √whenever I am free.

    I teach the kids play sports.

    I also teach yoga and Pilates.

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