33 thoughts on “Korean PETE Issues”

  1. So the Certification for the Teachers is a lifelong certification. Do they need to ever renew or take more classes to maintain the certification? What if they teach for a few years and take a couple years off and then want to return to teaching will they have to do anything in order to return to teaching?

  2. Wow you guys only have a 4 week student teaching period!!!!! That is a short amount of time to get a full experience. We have 1 full semester of student teaching. Do you feel that you guys get a good grasp of teaching throughout those 4 weeks?

  3. I think it’s too short
    In my case, I haven’t learned the necessary working experience as a teacher and there is a lack of communication with students

  4. I was surprised too. Only 4 weeks. Ours is one semester also. We do different practicums through some of our other content classes. I felt like I was in the schools a lot during my 4 years of college.

  5. Physical education curriculum in Korea includes dance as a field. So, those who majored in dance in a university can qualify as a physical education teacher. But the process is not easy. First of all, to qualify, you have to be within 5~10% of your class in academic performance up to sophomore, and you have to obtain upper grades in all education-related curricula (including education theory etc.) from junior year. And when you complete teacher training for 4 weeks in a junior or senior high school while you are a senior student, you can qualify as a secondary school physical education teacher upon graduation. The qualification is valid for life. However, you cannot apply for a physical education teacher job to all schools using this certification since the 2nd-grade physical education teacher qualification for secondary school that you have is valid only for junior or senior high school teacher.
    In Korea, the teacher employment test for junior and senior high school consists of diverse subjects including theory and practice by subject, interview, high school and university academic records, life record to confirm one’s integrity, and the actual process of teaching students. But these are only basic requirements for filing an application form for a teacher. In addition, you need to have many other certificates to teach students personally. In short, you have to be a person with excellent specifications. Teacher employment test is very difficult to pass and very competitive since the number of teachers to be recruited is limited.

    Teacher qualification is valid for life. Leave of absence is allowed if you want to stop teaching for a certain period, and you can comeback to teach students again. If you come back to school, the educational institution concerned supports you to receive teacher training so that you can supplement your teaching without difficulty.

  6. There is three-way to become a PE teacher in South Korea.
    First of all, It is to major in education at the teacher’s college.
    Second, It is to complete a course in teacher education at the nonteachers college.
    Last, It is to graduate from a graduate school of PE education.
    If you complete one of three things, you can get a teacher’s certification that can maintain a lifelong certification. However, this is only for private schools.
    If you want to become public school teachers, you must take a teacher certification examination which includes a theoretical and a practical test.

  7. We have continue education through out. Every 5 years we need to renew our teacher certifications.

  8. Yes we do a semester of student teaching and some students must student teach a year if they are in a certain scholarship program.

    Some think that a semester is not enough.

    After we graduate we must go through a beginning teachers program to receive a full teacher license and like Chris said we must renew every 5 years.

    Each state has different rules. Some teachers have to take Praxis 2 others dont.

  9. I believe that it needs to be longer. We need prospective teachers to get into the schools immediately. The longer they are in the more experience they gain and the better prepared they will be for teaching. I am not only talking about student teaching but pre-clinical experience, and volunteering in the physical education classroom. So many student teachers that I see are just not prepared and they are quite surprised at the issues that teachers face today.

  10. There is many ways to get a teaching license in America and the three ways to get it in North Carolina is:
    Within the state of North Carolina there are several routes to obtain a PE teacher job.
    The standard way to receive a licensure is obtaining a bachelor’s degree in physical education from an approved program or through an alternate route if you have a regionally accredited bachelor’s degree. The first step is to get a standard professional 1 license. This way you have to complete an approved physical education program and meet the federal requirements to be designated a highly qualified to teach physical education. Many bachelors programs within in universities would allow you to teach physical education; those include physical education, physical education teacher program, physical education teaching, physical education with certification in K-12, and physical education with an option of teaching. To get into said programs most universities require a GPA requirement and then a required score on the praxis 1. Once into the programs a certain amount of weeks teaching, keeping up with a certain GPA and finishing required parts of the curriculum. Other ways to meet the requirements to for this license is to get a master’s degree in physical education in an approved state school; which may include master’s in education in physical education, or MS in adapted physical education, physical education K-12, and physical education with licensure.
    Once you have been teaching for three years you can upgrade your standard professional one license to a standard professional two license. The requirements to obtain this is to be teaching three years, a recommendation from your school system, completion of any professional development activities, satisfactory completion for the North Carolina testing requirements or receive a satisfactory evaluation in your most resent year of employment in North Carolina. On top of those you have to have a local education agency verification that our school system will offer you employment the following year.
    The last way to get a teaching license in physical education is lateral entry license. This is if you have a bachelor’s degree of a higher education but not in an approved PE program. The school will have to initiate this process and follow a list of requirements. The first list is to have a degree in PE education, 24 semester hors of PE education, and passing score on the appropriate licensure exam. The second way is to have a 2.5 GPA in your degree, five years of experience considered relevant, having required scores on test, and having a 3.0 in either your senior year, your major, of a minimum of 15 semester hours completed within the last 5 years after your bachelor’s degree

  11. This is interesting. I felt the same way when I read this but when I hear it out of the mouth of the people who are going through the course it really hits home. I completely understand. I feel that it was a blessing to have over a semester of teaching experience before graduating.

  12. Undergraduate students begin practicums generally during their third year (two years before graduating) in the U.S. I believe that these teaching practicum courses are important for students to be sure that physical education is a suitable career path. I agree that PETE should provide as much experience in the schools as possible.

  13. I received my Teaching License from Iowa. I was in schools and classrooms from the start. It started out as weeks each semester the first year. Then in the second year we were put into schools to observe and work with kids for a month or two through each semester as part of the various classes we were taking. I also did i believe it was a month at School that was for students with Severe Limitations through my Adapted PE class. They had us in schools early on to help us decide if teaching is where we truly wanted to be, we had some that never made it past the first year, they realized it was not a field for them, rather then waiting to the last semester discovering as they were student teaching that it was not something they enjoyed. I have been grateful for being placed in classrooms earlier in my college career. I have worked with a few first year teachers that did not receive that opportunity and within a year or two they no longer wanted to teach and left the profession, because they were not prepared for everything they encountered.

  14. I agree it seems like 4 weeks of student teaching would make the transition to teaching on your own more challenging. How is the transition to ones first year of teaching, do you work closely with a veteran teacher and get on-going guidance to help navigate ones first years?

    Also I see you get a lifelong certification but are there any expectations to continue seeking continuing education or development? Is this optional or somewhat mandated? If so how is that performed?

  15. This is interest me as well. I find it crazy. I hope there is a process to allow teachers to get renewal credits, instead of just relying on their degree for ever.

  16. A common issue is the period of training practice. Currently, Korea only needs 4 weeks training course during the 4 – year curriculum. Therefore, the pre-service teachers should teach the students without any practical sense.

  17. This author expressed a support to the policy of ‘student runner on studying, general student on exercise’, a slogan for the security of department of sports student’s right of studying, but pointed out the problem in using the terms of disdifferentiation into ‘student runner’ and ‘general student’. Especially, this author laid emphases on the fact that especially physical education, a part of sports, is a part of subjects and objects to learn. It is an expression of the recognition in the problem that the term which classifies learning and sports may aggravate prejudice. In the same meaning, this author prevised the the viewpoint that ‘school physical education is helpful to achievement’. This author laid an emphasis that school physical education is not a simple method of academic accomplishment, but a complete education and physical, mental training by which students have to develop life through physical activity. This author pointed out that the qualitative growth of school sports club is outstanding, but that, because sports club registration rate is presented to be a standard of appreciation, spontaneousness and autonomy, fundamental values, are damaged. This author presented some opinions about the sports activation for woman student. This author laid emphases on the point that woman student is a principle agent of leading participation in sports activity, not an object of correction. This author urged that, because the school physical education policy has to head for the basic value of helping erect bodies, institutional frame has to be established to help urge desirous points. This author urged a necessity of a governmental ministry which can put into triangular position school education, for it was alienated till now from the trend of combination with physical education and sports-for-all. This dissertation emphasized that school physical education has to be checked in a highlighted level in the course of making progress of communitive physical education association.

    Universities apply four year system. The student in undergraduate studies majoring in dancing has to make a graduation work performed on a stage at the fourth degree, after choreographing it by himself/herself.

  18. we learn about what measuring instruments are used in education, and where they are applied and how to use them.

  19. In order to get teaching license in korea, we need to take required subjects related to physical education and senior students have a 4-week teaching practice in middle or high school. And in order to graduate, (it is not same with other colleges) we have to pass performance test such as swimming, soccer, and other sports which are designated as practice performance test in physical education certification examination. Also, if grade is under C, we can not get the license. (I am not sure with the grade.. maybe more higher)
    In korea, to get teaching job, the license is essential and to teach in public schools, we have to pass state exam.

  20. Knowledge test in education and PE, skill test(practical test such as field and track, swimming, etc), micro teaching(demonstration of teaching methods are asked and there is also an interview.

  21. There is some difference between US and Korea but the whole outline looks similar.

    In Korea, there is no general exam in order to obtain license. I think it is because we already take the college entrance exam and colleges select students from this score.
    (including Korean Language, Math, Science, Social studies, English,,etc)

    Also, Korean PETE students can not teach elementary, just middle & high school because to teach in elementary, we have to graduate National University of Education

  22. There are two parts that I have an unsatidfied feeling about Korean system.
    In korea, we only get chance to teach students in real setting for 4 weeks and during 4 weeks, we commute to our designated school and the number of time we can really teach class is up to our instructor. In my opinion, It is too short for PETE students to experience a lot of stuff in real setting so we should increase the period or like US, change period to one semester then students will not feel pressure about other classes (exams, homework) they are attending at same time.

    Other part is teaching students with disabilities, in korea we do not learn adapted physical education, to learn it, we should major Adapted Physical Education. Many disability students attend Special-education school but still there are some students with disabilities in general curriculum school so I think we have to open a classes related to Adapted PE.

  23. There are two kinds of physical educators. One is able to teach in private school and the other is able to teach in public and private school.
    For teaching in private school, we have to complete 22 credits of education courses. For teaching PE in private school, we have to also complete 50 credits of PE courses. Then, if we get better an B in GPA, we get T certificate which allows to teach in private school.
    After that, if we pass state examination, we get first grade certificate which allows to teach at private and public school.

    The education courses in college include philosophy of education, educational psychology, educational evaluation, educational courses, and educational practice.
    The PE courses in college include sport pedagogy, biomechanics, exercise physiology, sport sociology, health education, measurement and evaluation in physical education, and motor learning activity classes. Furthermore, we need field experiences which is 4 weeks of student teaching. After that we teach with cooperating teacher.

  24. I think that 4 weeks training course during the 4 years curriculum are enough course to be a teacher in Korea. Because work experience is more important than long course.

  25. We are talking only about 4-week of practicum hours which are really short.
    However, PETE program in Korea has different emphasis during the program, Development of Strong Content Knoweldge and skills which are, in my opinion, weakness aspect in PETE program in USA. So, there are pros and cons. I wish you all discuss how PETe program of curriculum is consists of in USA and Korea rather than just focusing on the 4-week of practicum hours in Korea.

  26. What sports season is going on right now in Korea? (baseball, basketball, etc?)
    How has the olympics impacted your community and the community sports?

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