Teaching PE in USA

Here is Summary of teaching physical education in USA

US Teaching PE

1 thought on “Teaching PE in USA”

  1. I think that teaching PE can be impacted by many things. The state you are teaching in and the value placed on Physical Activity and fitness. However your school district also impacts it, by the offerings they have. The one school district that i was most impressed with was Jefferson County In Louisville, Kentucky. They made Physical Education just as important as the other classes. We had specific Professional development geared to Physical Educators not just us sitting through the same Professional development on Math/Literacy etc.. with all of the classroom teachers. I have been a part of a district that was doing things well and I have been in districts that are just struggling to purchase needed textbooks or technology and cut resources from other areas in order to be able to provide new things for all students.
    I als think that the testing we put our students through to be a high performing school impacts us as well by telling us the time spent with us is not helping to improve the test scores.

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