Modeling Ships

Bera, Daniel J.2015Cultural Factors of Shipwreck Site Formation: An Examination of Ferrous Shipwrecks on the Outer Banks

By analyzing the ferrous wrecks of Huron and Paraguay, Bera reconstructed both ships in Rhinoceros 3D. From there Bera analyzed how both wrecks site formed including the damage to different sections. The benefit to the 3D modeling the wrecks was that it allowed the Paraguay’s 1909 extension to be visible as a site formation process.

FIGURE 1. Showing Paraguay’s extension in relation to where bow and aft sections
separated (Bera 2015:192)
Clevenger, Katherine Lovejoy2017Developing a Supplemental Archaeological Methodology:  A Photogrammetric Study of Shipwrecks Using a Low-Cost ROV

Clevenger’s was on whether low cost ROV with low cost devices be feasible to create models and reduce time in data collection. To do this she created an orthophoto, a geometrically corrected image taken aerially. She also created a photogrammetric model from footage collected GoPro Hero 4 .

FIGURE 2. Orthophoto of Portland from 4k30 resolution (Clevenger 2017:49)
Cook, Joel2021The Subchaser Debate: An Analysis of Influences on the Development of the PC-461 Class Submarine Chaser

Cook analyzed the PC-461 for wartime adaptations which were color-coded based on the author’s perceived utility on a Rhinoceros 3D ship model. The green represented object which were more useful compared to their detriment, yellow which were as useful as detrimental, and red which were more detrimental than useful.

FIGURE 3. Model of SC-1 Class submarine chaser (Cook 2021:2021)
Diveley, Brian2008Naval Development and the Diffusion of Nineteenth-Century Maritime Innovation of the Sassacus-Class Double-Ender, USS Otsego

Constructed from EOS PhotoModeler Pro, Diveley reconstructed the sidewheeler Ostego from its machinery, hull construction, to other features visible in the wreck site and from historic imagery. Dively also used other features in the AutoDesk family of products to cross reference the historic references with their proper relation to the vessel.

FIGURE 4. Model reconstructions showing the primary hull structure (Section A), the removal of main deck planking/hurricane deck (Section B), and the exposed bow/stem berth decking (Section C) (Diveley 2008:257)
Fox, Kara Davis2015Matters of Steel: Illustrating and Assessing the Deterioration of the World War II Merchant Freight Caribsea.

Fox’s used Rhinoceros 4.0 to construct Caribsea to construct the ship as it was built, frame first. The data used includes a point-cloud of the wreck processed from multi-beam surveys as well as historical photographs.

FIGURE 5. 3D Caribsea model as it was originally built (Fox 2015:80)
Fricker, Kristina J.2020Yield Strength of the Egadi 10 Warship: Using Nonlinear Computer Simulations to Examine Collision Dynamics in Greco-Roman Naval Conflicts.
FIGURE 6. Midship section on the first strain test of the study (Fricker 2020:83)

Frickner’s thesis used several strain tests to test the strength of the Egadi 10 hull and ram. Colored on the map are areas with relative stress done through Finite Element Analysis using Solidworks Simulation.

Horn, Thomas Wilde2014Determining Seasonal Corrosion Rates in Ferrous-Hulled Shipwrecks: A Case Study of the USS Huron
FIGURE 7. Complete three-dimensional model of the USS Huron as it was built and
fitted in 1875 (Horn 2014:46)

After the field school of 2012, Horn recreated the USS Huron based on ship plans and sought to compare it to the remains found at field school and from previous reports by the town of Nags Head. As part of the project’s goal of studying site formation, Horn also analyzed corrosion rates of multiple points of the wreck.

Sassorossi, William2015Defending the East Coast: Adapting and Converting Commercial Ships for Military Operations.

From diving the wreck to multi-beam sonar, Sassorossi created several 3D models of Senateur Duhamel including a rendering of the based on multi-beam data as well as a model of the wreck with machinery exposed to best reflect the features found in the sonar data.

8.1. Multibeam data combined with dive photography for site identification of HMS
Senateur Duhamel (Sassorossi 2015:107)
8.2. Model Group A of Senateur Duhamel, starboard hull removed to expose engine
and boilers (Sassorossi 2015:93)
Smith, Tim2020Wood and Steel; Using Modeling to Analyze Site Formation of the Early Twentieth Century Vessel Fraternité.

Smith’s thesis modeled the archaeological remains of the Fraternité. From there, the author rendered the process of destruction from the remains to explain how the Fraternité’s site formed as the result of the ship burning.

FIGURE 9.1. Series of damage from wrecking to burning of Fraternité (Smith 2020:88)
FIGURE 9.2. Color coded Fraternité archaeological model, red represents parts likely not part of the ship (Smith 2020:103)
Vestal, Joshua2020Hull Preservation: Preservation Methods and Management of the Battleship North Carolina Memorial Wilmington.

Vestal simulated North Carolina’s preservation as a 3D model. The creation of the museum required the Battleship to have a coffer dam constructing around its hull and allowing it to be berthed in mud. This process is modeled below with the orange section being fully submerged in mud during its preservation.

FIGURE 9.1. Model depicting USS North Carolina at sea. (Vestal 2020:69)
FIGURE 9.2. Profile view depicting area of USS North Carolina submerged in mud (Vestal 2020:110)
Luna, Iker in Barbery, Miguel2020The Hull Remains of Helen C: A Comparative Analysis of Chesapeake Bay and Albemarle-Pamlico Skipjack Shipbuilding Traditions.

Iker Luna, in Barbery 2020, visually reconstructed the remains of Carrie Price. Barbery examined the remains of Helen C. finding differences between it and Chesapeake Skipjacks.

FIGURE 10. Wireframe Rhino 3D image of Carrie Price scaled to the size of Helen C. (Luna in Barbery 2020:107)