Small Craft

Kristin O’Lear

Molly Trivelpiece

Profile View
Plan View
Mackenzie Mirre
Mackenzie Mirre

Jacquelyn Hewett

Christopher W. Jackson Profile View
Christopher W. Jackson Profile View
Christopher W. Jackson Plan View
Christopher W. Jackson Plan View
Christopher W. Jackson Digital Field Drawing
Christopher W. Jackson Digital Field Drawing

Bethany Earley

Steph Soder, Connor McBrian, and Stephen Lacey recording small watercraft outside Eller House.

Paul Willard Gates and George Huss recording outside Eller.

Tyler Ball and Annie Wright

Tyler Ball and Annie Wright


This is a “Legend 16 Dagger” type canoe-shaped small watercraft named the “JACKDAW”. A handprint and the name decorates the port-side bow. The name and “Dagger Legend 0902016” along the starboard-side stern are upside-down in case the craft flips over. It is a two seated canoe with two knee/foot pads for both seats. A yoke and a thwart support the craft between the two seats. Identification on the inside of the port-side bow shows ownership of the craft to be ECU Recreational Services. It appears to be made of blue-green fiberglass material with wooden support beams and white and yellow detailing.

JACKDAW Measurement Data

Connor McBrian, Stephanie Soder, and Stephen Lacey

Connor McBrian, Stephanie Soder, and Stephen Lacey

Connor McBrian, Stephanie Soder, and Stephen Lacey Connor McBrian, Stephanie Soder, and Stephen Lacey



 Exterior and Interior Waterline Data

George Huss and Paul Willard Gates profile view for watercraft recording exercise.
George Huss and Paul Willard Gates plan view for watercraft recording exercise.
George Huss and Paul Willard Gates exterior waterlines for watercraft recording exercise.
George Huss and Paul Willard Gates interior waterlines for watercraft recording exercise.
George Huss and Paul Willard Gates interior waterlines for watercraft recording exercise.

Anna D’Jernes and Janie Knutson watercraft recording exercise: