Literacy Leader Seeks to Shift Literacy Culture

Nash/Rocky Mount Public School Instructional Specialist for K-3 Literacy, Michele Kennedy, already is implementing ideas from the Margaret Blount Harvey Literacy Institute held on February 2, 2019, to shift the literacy culture in her district. “We spend a lot of time talking about reading pedagogy, and that is so important, but Saturday’s institute reminded me of the importance of developing and nurturing that love of books and reading in our students. I want our building-level coaches to start thinking about this too.”Using one of the resources received at the institute, Lead with Literacy: A Pirate Leader’s Guide to Developing a Culture of Readers by Mandy Ellis as a segue, Kennedy is modeling her thinking in the district’s instructional coaches’ newsletter as she works her way through the book. Each week, she’ll share more about herself as a reader with her colleagues.  Kennedy notes, “I’ll keep you posted as to where this ship sails.” Stay tuned for updates!