It’s October! Learning Disabilities and Dyslexia Awareness Month

child with hashtag

Happy first day of October! Did you know October is Learning Disabilities and Dyslexia Awareness Month, a time where people pay special attention to children and adults with learning disabilities?  During this month, join the challenge to teach one person one new thing about learning disabilities. If you find an interesting article or resource here, consider … Read more

Discovering the Depth in Graphic Novels

Banned Books Week is a great time to explore some texts that have invited controversy. First up-graphic novels. Did you know many teachers and readers do not recognize the importance of graphic novels? As a Literacy Leader, how can you help promote the positives of graphic novels? Check out this practitioner-oriented piece from Jason DeHart. 

School-issued Devices Affect Learning

High-school students with school-issued devices are more likely to email their teachers with questions, take notes in class and collaborate with their classmates, among other tasks, according to results of a survey by the Speak Up Research Project for Digital Learning. Learn more here. Does your school district use school-issued devices?

BANNED BOOKS WEEK September 23 – 29, 2018

The 2018 Banned Books Week theme  “Banning Books Silences Stories,” is a reminder everyone needs to speak out against the tide of censorship. As a LITERACY LEADER how will you be involved? If you have a story to share, complete this form so we can share on the blog. Challenge: Change your profile pic using the image provided here. … Read more



The September 15, 2018, Literacy Institute has been rescheduled to February 2, 2019, because of weather and safety concerns. Hurricane Florence ripped through North Carolina leaving a trail of devastation from water rain, wind, and flooding.