Study Personnel

Listed below are the investigators and personnel for our study:

Principal Investigators

Dr. Joe Houmard, Ph.D.
Professor and Director, Human Performance Laboratory
Department of Kinesiology
College of Health and Human Performance
East Carolina Diabetes and Obesity Institute

Dr. G. Lynis Dohm, Ph.D.
Department of Physiology
Brody School of Medicine
East Carolina Diabetes and Obesity Institute


Dr. Terry Jones, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Department of Physical Therapy
College of Health and Allied Sciences
East Carolina Diabetes and Obesity Institute

Dr. Walter Pories, M.D.
Professor and Founding Chair
Department of Surgery at East Carolina University
Brody School of Medicine
East Carolina Diabetes and Obesity Institute

Dr. Laura Matarese, Ph.D., R.D.
Department of Internal Medicine
Brody School of Medicine
Division of Gastroenterology, Hepatology, and Nutrition

Dr. Ronald Cortright, Ph.D.
Department of Kinesiology
College of Health and Human Performance
East Carolina Diabetes and Obesity Institute

Dr. Nicholas Broskey, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Department of Kinesiology
College of Health and Human Performance
East Carolina Diabetes and Obesity Institute

Key Personnel

Elizabeth Gates
Clinical Research Study Coordinator

Dr. Donghai Zheng, Ph.D.
Research Associate
Department of Kinesiology
College of Health and Human Performance
East Carolina Diabetes and Obesity Institute

Chuck Tanner, M.A.
Instructor and Assoc. Director, Human Performance Laboratory
Department of Kinesiology
College of Health and Human Performance
East Carolina Diabetes and Obesity Institute

Research Nurse

 Angela Clark, RN

Graduate Research Assistants

 Lindsay Mitchell, B.S.

Polina Krassovskaia, M.S.