New Faculty Member Stays Busy This Fall

New faculty member, Dr. Carmen Woodhall, stays busy this fall with teaching, publishing articles, and presenting at conferences. Below are the details if you want to keep up with Dr. Woodhall!

She is teaching:

SCIE 3216 Teaching Science in the Elementary School (F)
SCIE 6320 Advanced Methods of Assessment in Science Education (F)
SCIE 6310 Advanced Methods in Science Teaching and Learning (F)

She is writing:

Article —Woodhall, C. & Zygouris-Coe, V. (2013). An Exploratory Study of Science Teachers’ Instructional Challenges and Disciplinary Literacy. American Reading Forum Yearbook.

She is presenting:

State Conference – Florida Reading Conference – Orlando, FL – Sept 27, 2013. Disciplinary Literacy and the Common Core State Standards in Secondary Science Classrooms – Dr. Vicki Zygouris-Coe and Dr. Carmen Woodhall

Regional Conference – National Science Teachers Association Area Conference (NSTA) – Charlotte, NC – Disciplinary Literacy, the NGSS, and Common Core in Secondary Science Classrooms – Dr. Carmen Woodhall

National Conference – 2013 American Reading Forum – Sanibel, FL – Dec 12, 2013, 2:45 – 4:00. Secondary Science Teachers, Literacy and Professional Development – paper presentation

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