Gamma FebOn Tuesday, Feb 18, 2014 MATE faculty dazzled and amazed MATE students with their favorite mathemagic tricks. Dr. Schwartz began the evening with a card trick that was a difficult act to follow. However, Dr. Sinicrope’s dice demonstration continued the excitement, followed by Dr. Preston’s proof that 2=1!! Dr. Middleton read a student’s mind, and Dr. Adu-Gyamfi predicted the number of brothers and sisters for another student participant. Dr. Cayton ended the festivities with a final mind reading trick. Students not only enjoyed being a participant for each faculty mathemagic demonstration, but also pondered the mathematics underlying each. Much debate still surrounds which faculty member had the most amazing mathemagic abilities!!

The next meeting of the Gamma Student Chapter will be Tuesday, March 4, 2014 from 5-6 pm. We will be celebrating Pi Day (3/14) with K-12 classroom investigations and activities involving one of our favorite numbers ()!!

To learn more go to the Gamma Chapter website or like us on Facebook “ECU Gamma Chapter”.

For further information contact Dr. Charity Cayton ( or Dr. Kwaku Adu-Gyamfi (

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