ECU was well-represented at the NCCTM Eastern Region Conference in Kenansville on Saturday, February 14, 2014. Love was certainly in the air as president-elect, Dr. Ron Preston delivered the keynote address. It continued as Eastern Region President, Dr. Katie Schwartz led the event – both in terms of putting the conference together and facilitating on Saturday. Christie Wuebbles (alum) made many of the facility arrangements with James Sprunt Community College, where the conference was held. Many of MSITE’s grad students presented, most under the direction of Dr. Maureen Grady as part of their assessment work in MATE 6200:
James Grossman
Edie Smith
Sarah Patterson
Kristina Simpson
Kristina Godbolt
Victoria Jeffries
Robin Clapper
Robin Foster
Drs. Adu-Gyamfi, Grady, Preston, Schwartz, Sinicrope, and Thompson were in attendance along with MATE graduate students Gina Albright and Brooke Hill.