Graduate from Elementary Science Concentration, Abby Colley, Wins NCSTA Outstanding Student Teacher Award

On October 13, 2014, Abby Colley  received a letter from the Elementary Science Concentration Awards Committee chair notifying her that she was the recipient of the NCSTA Outstanding Student Teacher Award.  She will receive her award on November 6, 2014 in Winston-Salem at the NCSTA conference award ceremony. Abby is a well-deserving graduate from the Elementary Science … Read more

MSITE Recruits at Teacher Cadet Day

The Fall 2014 Teacher Cadet Day featured the 2014-15 North Carolina Teacher of the Year and had the theme “What’s Your Superpower? I TEACH!” Faculty and students from the Department of Mathematics, Science, and Instructional Technology Education (MSITE) recruited during the Program Fair portion of the agenda. The 100 or so teacher cadets (mostly seniors, … Read more

Summer Ventures 2014 Served 55 Top Students

  From June 22nd through July 19th, the Center for STEM Education hosted the 2014 class of Summer Ventures in Science & Mathematics. This year was the 30th year the program has been held. Summer Ventures in Science and Mathematics is a cost-free, state-funded program for academically talented North Carolina residents who have demonstrated interest … Read more

Dr. Patricia J. Slagter van Tryon Receives Promotion

Congratulations to Patricia J. Slagter van Tryon who has earned a promotion from an Assistant Professor to  an Associate Professor at East Carolina University in the Department of Math, Science, & Instructional Technology Education. Patricia earned her Bachelor of Science degree in Science Education from Temple University, her Master of Arts degree in Environmental Science … Read more

Science Summer Camp Smiles and Moving Legos

In the session, “Heat, Light and Sound, Oh My”, 4th and 5th grade boys use tuning forks to create sound waves that can be seen, heard, and felt! Andrew Hung (age 11, pictured above) says that, “High pitched sound waves are really loud and travel super fast!” Claire (age 7) and Sophie (age 6) are … Read more

Advanced Placement Summer Institute Prepares Teachers to Give Their Best to the Brightest

Honors students in high school are anxious to take as many Advanced Placement courses as their schools offer so teachers go to school in the summer preparing to teach these courses.  ECU hosts  a College Board endorsed Advanced Placement Summer Institute. Each session is 4-days long and is taught by a certified College Board consultant. … Read more

Criminal Science Investigations and DNA Extractions

SSC: CSI Robert Lukhard (pictured above, age 13) holds a specimen used for DNA extraction here at ECU’s  Summer Science Camp. Students were conducting Criminal Science Investigation experiments in this morning sessions. Real-world science applications = high interest = student engagement = happy campers at ECU’s Summer Science Camp!

COE Faculty Member Receives $472,000 NC Quest Award

Dr. Ann Bullock, Chair of the Department of Elementary and Middle Grades Education, received an NC-QUEST award of $472,394 titled Integrating Neuroscience into Mathematics Instruction (INMI). INMI continues the partnership with UNC-GA New Teacher Support Program (NTSP) and extends it to the Harriott College of Arts & Sciences, Department of Mathematics. The INMI pilot project … Read more

Weekend of Celebrations for MSITE Graduates!

It was a wonderful weekend to celebrate with our MSITE Spring 2014 Graduates! Dr. Ganter joined faculty, students and guests for breakfast on Saturday before the ceremony in the Flanagan building. Eunice Hoefling enjoyed breakfast with family and friends as she joined our 2014 graduating class. Eunice teaches Radiography at Fayetteville Technical Community College. She … Read more