Dr. Monica Gonzalez

1. Given your recent move from Houston, Texas, are you experiencing any culture shock here in Greenville, NC? What is your favorite thing about Houston, Texas? Is there any substitute for that in Greenville? I moved from one southern state to another, so I have experienced the same level of hospitality and friendliness.  The biggest … Read more

Dr. Ya-Huei Lu

1. What were 2-3 of your most important learning experiences?  Why were they so important? One of my most important learning experiences was learning English during summer camps in Cambridge, England. Even though I started learning English when I was 8 years old in Taiwan, there were not many opportunities for me to communicate with … Read more

Dr. Tammy Lee

Dr. Tammy Lee

Dr. Tammy Lee replies to questions about Science and Science Education. 1. Do you have a favorite field of study within science? My favorite field of study is learning about our natural world.   Understanding our natural world involves all fields of science (physics, biology, chemistry, and earth science). We, human beings, have divided the sciences … Read more

Remembering Floyd Mattheis

Dr. Floyd Mattheis

MSITE mourns the unexpected passing of Dr. Floyd Elliott Mattheis, 85, on Friday, September 1, 2017. After graduating from Ellendale High School in 1949 and State Normal and Industrial College in 1952, Floyd was drafted into the United States Army.  He served full-time till June 1954 and then served as a reservist until August 1960. … Read more

Introducing Dr. Len Annetta

Len Annetta

We are thrilled to welcome Dr. Len Annetta, Taft Distinguished Professor of Science Education, to MSITE and to introduce him to you.  Dr. Annetta has worked as a High School Science Teacher in Maryland, an Assistant and Associate Professor at NC State, and an Associate Professor and Professor at George Mason University (Fairfax, VA).  He … Read more

Dr. Ron Preston: Scholar, Collaborator, Helper

Dr. Ron Preston

We are delighted to highlight Dr. Preston.  His many scholarly accomplishments, which include numerous publications, presentations, and external funding awards would provide sufficient reason to honor him.  Yet there is more to Dr. Preston than one will find in his scholarly work.  Dr. Preston has an uncanny zeal to serve.  We could string together a … Read more

Introducing Dr. Dan Dickerson

1. What are some of your favorite things about North Carolina? BBQ (only eastern NC), Cheerwine, Krispy Kreme, steamed winter oysters, cover dish on Sunday, the smell of freshly dug peanuts in the fall, hunting and fishing, the coast, the mountains, most places in between the coast and mountains, family and friends, and no matter … Read more

Honoring Dr. Sid Rachlin

We are honored to feature Professor Sid Rachlin as our current faculty spotlight. Dr. Rachlin has had a distinguished career as a mathematics education professor. His 13 page long resume is filled with his many contributions to the field–from the 68 books and book chapters that he has written, the numerous presentations that he has … Read more

Dr. Catherine Schwartz

We offer congratulations to Dr. Catherine Schwartz on her recent promotion to associate professor and for securing grant  funds to deliver professional development in mathematics education.  The N.C. Department of Public Instruction has provided $481,518 for Dr. Schwartz to work on  a three-year collaboration with teachers in Lenoir County.  On another grant project, funded by … Read more

Dr. Rhea Miles: Our Next Faculty Spotlight

We offer congratulations to Rhea Miles on her recent one million dollar grant award, a Science Education Against Drug Abuse Partnership Program funded by National Institute of Health / National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIH/NIDA) from 2014-2018. The Science Education Against Drug Abuse Partnership (SEADAP) program is a 6-12th grade curriculum using planarians. Planarians are … Read more