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FEDERAL DOCUMENTS Allegheny Portage Railroad / National Park Service, U.S. Department of the Interior.
American military heritage / William W. Hartzog.
The Annapolis Convention.
Better health for our children : a national strategy : the report of the Select Panel for the Promotion of Child Health to the United States Congress and the Secretary of Health and Human Services : Executive summary.
Better health for our children : a national strategy : the report of the Select Panel for the Promotion of Child Health to the United States Congress and the Secretary of Health and Human Services.
The Canela (Eastern Timbira), I : an ethnographic introduction / William H. Crocker.
Catalog of federal domestic assistance.
Competitive grant announcement : awards for developing, implementing, enhancing, and operating tribal courts / Bureau of Justice Assistance, Office of Justice Programs, U.S. Department of Justice.
COPS MORE 2001 application kit : making officer redeployment effective.
Cultural landscape report for the Boston Harbor Islands, Boston Harbor Islands National & State Park, Boston, Massachusetts / prepared by Olmsted Center for Landscape Preservation.
Demonstrated reserve base of coal in the United States on January 1, …
Do you need money for college? the guide to Federal student aid.
The educational system of Hungary / by Randolph L. Braham.
EIA publications directory / U.S. Department of Energy, Energy Information Administration, Office of Energy Information Services.
FEC reports on financial activity, 1985-1986 : final report, party and non-party political committees.
Generic substitution and prescription drug prices : economic effects of state drug product selection laws / by Alison Masson and Robert L. Steiner.
Geochronology of Sandia Cave / C. Vance Haynes and George A. Agogino.
Glacier Bay National Park, Glacier Bay National Preserve, Alaska / National Park Service, U.S. Department of the Interior.
The great Tzotzil dictionary of San Lorenzo Zinacantâan / Robert M. Laughlin.
The great Tzotzil dictionary of Santo Domingo Zinacantâan : with grammatical analysis and historical commentary / Robert M. Laughlin with John B. Haviland.
HAP, Henry H. Arnold, military aviator / Richard G. Davis.
Human remains from Voegtly Cemetery, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania / Douglas H. Ubelaker and Erica B. Jones, with Diane Beynon Landers, associate editor.
Lessons learned from peace operations in Africa / by Paul D. Williams.
Long-term camping on public lands.
Material culture of the Numa : the John Wesley Powell collection, 1867-1880 / Don D. Fowler and John F. Matley.
Medicare [braille].
Modeling natural gas regulation in the Project Independence Evaluation System / prepared by Frederic H. Murphy … [et al.].
National park system / National Park Service, U.S. Department of the Interior.
Of cabbages and kings : tales from Zinacantan / Robert M. Laughlin.
Of shoes and ships and sealing wax : sundries from Zinacantâan / Robert M. Laughlin.
The Old World Paleolithic and the development of a national collection / Michael Petraglia and Richard Potts ; foreword by Lawrence Guy Straus ; illustrations by Marcia Bakry.
Plains Indian studies : a collection of essays in honor of John C. Ewers and Waldo R. Wedel / Douglas H. Ubelaker and Herman J. Viola, editors.
Reading the tea leaves : proto-insurgency in Honduras / John Waghelstein.
Remote participation in bankruptcy court proceedings.
Safety moored at last : cultural landscape report for New Bedford Whaling National Historical Park / by Christine A. Arato and Patrick L. Eleey.
The Siegfried Line Campaign / by Charles B. MacDonald.
Traditional pottery techniques of Pakistan : field and laboratory studies / Owen S. Rye and Clifford Evans.
Twice the citizen : a history of the United States Army Reserve, 1908-1983 / Richard B. Crossland, James T. Currie.
Twice the citizen : a history of the United States Army Reserve, 1908-1995 / James T. Currie, Richard B. Crossland.
U.S. Army Reserve at a glance : twice the citizen.
U.S. Marines and irregular warfare, 1898-2007 : anthology and selected bibliography / compiled by Stephen S. Evans.
Understanding the Extra Help with your Medicare prescription drug plan / Social Security Administration.
United States Commission on International Religious Freedom.
The very few, the proud : women in the Marine Corps, 1977/2001 / by Nancy P. Anderson.
Vessel inventory report as of … / prepared by U.S. Department of Transportation, Office of Trade Studies and Subsidy Contracts.
The Walakpa site, Alaska : its place in the Birnik and Thule cultures / Dennis J. Stanford.
What’s noteworthy on teaching.