Who to Contact

Kym Jefferson – Instructional Technology Consultant for the College of Allied Health Sciences – jeffersonk@ecu.edu – 252-744-1106

Allen Dennis – Canvas Administrator – dennisa@ecu.edu – 252-328-2841

Percevial Murphy –  Panopto Administrator- murphyp@ecu.edu – 252-737-5166

John Southworth – Panopto Administrator – southworthj@ecu.edu – 252-328-9089

Kim Stevenson – Panopto Administrator – stevensonk22@ecu.edu 


Handouts to be downloaded and for distribution to students if applicable –

Panopto For Faculty
Digital Media Capture MOU for Administrators
Download PDR for Windows

Download PDR for Mac
PDR – How to Record a Video Instructions
Embedding Panopto into Canvas
Viewing Requirements 2022

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