Tammy Lee and Close Encounters of the Amphibious Kind

MSITE Science educator, Tammy Lee, has authored an article, Close Encounters of the Amphibious Kind: Frog Calls across Ponds and across Disciplines. This article has been published this month (February) in Science and Children. The articles details a half-day 5E lesson integrating two of the disciplinary core ideas (DCI) from the Next Generation of Science … Read more

Descriptive Astronomy Students Stargaze in Ayden

Two nights this November, Bonnie Glass’ Descriptive Astronomy students ventured to Ayden to view the night sky at A Time for Science. Nancy and John Bray set up telescopes, shared stories behind the constellations, and discussed ways these pre-service teachers could use these tales to integrate language and science. They explored other activities appropriate for … Read more

Family Science Night in Local School -A Blast From the Past!

Elementary Science Concentration students within the Informal Science Course this semester designed and implemented a Family Science Night for Eastern Elementary School in Pitt County.  On November 14th, Elementary Science Concentration students held a Family Science Night entitled, A Blast from the Past, in which activities focused on contributions of scientists which have impacted our … Read more

Science Education Club Hosts Guest Speakers

The Science Education Club held its second meeting November 4, 2013. Guest Speakers Cheryl Olmsted, Assistant Superintendent of Pitt County Schools, and Seth Brown, Teacher Support Staff of Pitt County Schools, discussed key information about applying for jobs, the interview process, and your first year of teaching. Lots of resources and helpful tips were provided. … Read more

Dr. Miles Goes to Press Again, Again and Again

Dr. Miles, despite her busy teaching schedule, has 3 articles coming out in the later half of 2013.  They are as follows: Miles, R.,& Ran,R.,& Dotson K.(2013). Perceptions of Diversity in Higher Education, The Journal of Continuing Higher Education, 61:2, 74-82. Brown, B.; Parsons, E.; Miles, R.; & Henderson, J.B. (2013) Exploring The Alignment of … Read more

New Faculty Member Stays Busy This Fall

New faculty member, Dr. Carmen Woodhall, stays busy this fall with teaching, publishing articles, and presenting at conferences. Below are the details if you want to keep up with Dr. Woodhall! She is teaching: SCIE 3216 Teaching Science in the Elementary School (F) SCIE 6320 Advanced Methods of Assessment in Science Education (F) SCIE 6310 … Read more

NC Science Festival Needs Presenters!

The NC Science Festival (March 28-April 13, 2014) is now accepting applications from teachers and administrators for our 2014 K-12 programs! Applications will be accepted through November 1, and decisions will be made by mid-November. Visit our website at http://www.ncsciencefestival.org/get-involved/k-12-educator-toolkit/ to get started. The Festival is offering the following programs: Elementary Schools – Folt Science … Read more

The Science Education Club is back in full blast!

The first meeting was held September 30, 2013 and the room was full with education majors. Thirty students attended the meeting and several science instructors and faculty were present too! Guest Speaker, Blair Driver, discussed information about NCSTA (North Carolina Science Teacher Association), and the benefits of joining as a student. Brochures were passed out … Read more

Elementary Science Publishes and Presents Research

We’re very proud to announce several publications and presentations by our elementary science education faculty and graduate students. Science and Children, the journal of the National Science Teacher Association (NSTA) for elementary teachers, has accepted Tammy D. Lee’s article for publication “Close Encounters of the Amphibious Kind: Frog Calls across Ponds and across Disciplines.”  Tammy’s … Read more

Summer Science Camp is Amazing!

You may see a lot of children in the classrooms around the Flanagan Building this summer. This is the location for the ECU Summer Science Camp. This camp is open to students in elementary and middle school. During the students’ time at this week-long day camp, they learn how fun science really is! ECU’s dedicated … Read more