Class Work

Boat Model Portfolio

The finished portfolio will consist of:

  1. Field notebook
  2. Written description of the boat and artistic labeled sketch of the boat
    and construction features: including hull shape, propulsion features
    and accessories (outboard motor, inboard engine, sails, oars) repairs,
    modifications, materials, fastenings, integrity, and condition of vessel.
  3. Design a data recording form for future researchers to record
    information on this type of boat.
  4. Short history of the boat or type of boat, including compiling accession records and tracing ownership from registration or license numbers. Use at least two primary sources, oral history or ethnography.
  5. Construction Drawings
    1. Longitudinal profile
    2. Deck & framing plans
    3. Mid ships section, and additional sections if necessary
    4. Sail plan and rig details (if your boat is a sailboat)
  6.  Lines Drawings
    1. Sheer plan
    2. Half–breadth plan
    3. Body plan
  7.  Table of offsets
  8. Table of scantlings
  9. Field notebook
  10. Photograph Catalog with titles and labels