Abstract Submission

If you would like to submit an abstract for consideration, use the following guidelines:

2025 TCRB Abstract Template

Please submit your abstract using this form: https://forms.gle/DcbTUQVGpbCo23zC9. If you have any questions regarding abstract submissions, please email tcrbemail@gmail.com.

Submission Deadlines:

Friday, January 24th at 5 PM: Deadline for consideration for Oral Presentation and Poster Prizes, including The Campion Fund prizes*.
Selection criteria for the Campion awards: HERE

Notes: *Previous Campion Award winners are ineligible for subsequent Campion awards; second place poster and oral presentation awards will be recognized with the “TCRB Award”, and previous winners of the TCRB Award are eligible for all award consideration.

Tuesday, February 18th at 5 PM: Deadline for all other abstracts
Please note that improperly formatted abstracts will not be considered for a prize

Poster boards will be 72″ (w) x 48″ (h).