Lab Managers

Ajala Baker

Ajala is a second year graduate student at East Carolina University pursuing a masters degree in Sport and Exercise Psychology. She has been a part of Team-OPPS since Fall of 2021. Ajala is currently a lab manager and also a Project Manager for the ROTC research being conducted. Ajala currently works on campus as a Graduate Assistant but after college, Ajala would like to pursue a career as a Resilience Trainer or work as a Cognitive Performance Specialist for the Military.

Tyler Hewitt

Tyler is a second year graduate student at East Carolina University pursuing a Masters degree in Sport and Exercise Psychology. He has been a part of Team-OPPS since Fall of 2021. Tyler is currently a Lab manager and also a Project Manager for the Coaching Behaviors and Efficacy research. After college, Tyler would like to use his degree and experience as a licensed Sport Psychologist.