Project Managers

Ronald Russell III

Ronald(RJ) is a second year graduate student at East Carolina University pursuing a masters degree in Sport and Exercise Psychology. RJ joined Team-OPPS in the Fall of 2021 and is currently the Project Manager for the Social Support, Efficacy, and Well-Being project. RJ would like to apply the knowledge from his research as a sport psychologist.

Camryn Pennypacker

Camryn is a first year graduate student at East Carolina University pursuing a Masters degree in Kinesiology Sport and Exercise Psychology. She joined Team-OPPS in the Fall of 2022 and has eagerly taken the role of Project Manager for “The CAMRYN Project”. 

Stephanie Fuller

Stephanie is a first year graduate student at East Carolina University pursuing a masters degree in Sport and Exercise Psychology. Stephanie joined Team-OPPS in the Spring of 2023 and is currently the project manager for the Help-Seeking and Help-Giving In Athletes project. Prior to joining  Team-OPPS Stephanie used her masters degree in Adventure Education as a middle school PE & Wellness teacher in addition to coaching a varsity high school softball and cross country team. Stephanie now works as a graduate teaching assistant but in the future she would like to earn a PhD to work as a university professor.

Emily Ryan

Emily is a senior at East Carolina University majoring in Exercise Physiology. She joined Team-OPPS in the Spring of 2022 and is currently the Project Manager for the Eye Gazing Study. In the fall, Emily will be pursuing her Doctorate of Physical Therapy at Duke University with the intent to work in pediatrics or athletics.