BIOL4560:Microbial Ecology

Link to ECU Course Catalog What is this CURE about: Water quality of well water in urban systems: Connections to human and environmental health.  Impacts of hydrology on plant-soil-microbe interactions.

BIOL3221:Microbiology Lab

Link to ECU Course Catalog What is this CURE about: Bacterial growth rates, carbon metabolism, and nutrient acquisition will be assayed in isolates and in soil microbial community samples. Each microbial isolate will be identified to the species level using Sanger sequencing of the 16S rRNA gene. We will measure isolate-level traits such as growth […]

GEOL3500: Introduction to Hydrogeology

What is this CURE about: Water quality of well water in urban systems: Connections to human and environmental health.  Impacts of hydrology on plant-soil-microbe interactions. This CURE investigates the interactions between groundwater and surface water that impact the quality and sustainability of water resources.  Several sites may be studied in this CURE, including research performed at […]

GEOL4010/4011: Sedimentology

Link to ECU Course Catalog What this CURE is about: Students collect data on field trips to two modern sedimentary depositional environments. Additionally, samples collected on those trips are processed in the lab. Data is integrated with published observations / literature to produce a journal-style article, including student-produced maps/diagrams. 

CHEM3251: Quantitative and Instrumental Analysis

Link to ECU Course Catalog What is this CURE about: The quantitative analysis lab is located on the 4th floor of the Science and Technology Building (Room SZ 459). Typically, the class consists of quantitatively determining the concentration or amount of materials in different solutions using different traditional analysis methods such as titration.  Classic titrations […]

CHEM4351:Instrumental Analysis

Link to ECU Course Catalog What is this CURE about: This course serves as a capstone in the chemistry curriculum, the content of the course centers on how to design and perform instrumental analyses for a variety of applications.   In the news.

PHYS3718:Introduction to Physical Concepts through Biopolymer Research

Link to ECU Course Catalog What is this CURE about: Student teams will study an uncharacterized set of dysfibrinogenemias, determining the effects of an individual mutation on fibrin’s polymerization rate, structural properties, and mechanical properties using biophysical techniques.  

GEOL3200/3201: Introduction to Field Methods

Link to ECU Course Catalog What is this CURE about: Students collect their own observations about local geology, integrate them with published observations / literature, and complete a substantial final project that includes multiple geological maps, a scientific paper, and other products. 

BIOL3550: Vegetation Sampling and Analysis

Link to ECU Course Catalog What is this CURE about: The course involves undergraduates in a long-term, large-scale experiment in plant community ecology. Students gain skills in plant identification, vegetation sampling methods, statistical analysis of large data sets, and scientific communication. Working in teams, students collect plant community data at a local field site, analyze […]

BIOL4420:Microbial Biotechnology

Link to ECU Course Catalog What is this CURE about: This course focuses on the microbial role in environmental, agricultural, and industrial processes with emphasis on how microbes function and what we can do to control or enhance their capabilities. Topics covered include water treatment, biofuels, environmental remediation, food production, and pharmaceutical development. The associated lab will […]