What is this CURE about:
Bacterial growth rates, carbon metabolism, and nutrient acquisition will be assayed in isolates and in soil microbial community samples. Each microbial isolate will be identified to the species level using Sanger sequencing of the 16S rRNA gene. We will measure isolate-level traits such as growth rate and carbon usage profile. Nested within a long-term experiment that manipulates nutrient and disturbance regimes in a wetland, students in the Microbiology CURE will generate and test hypotheses regarding growth rates of isolates characterized during the course. Each microbial isolate will be identified to the species level by Sanger sequencing the full length 16S rRNA gene.
I love the video about your CURE! Thanks for sharing it Dr. Peralta!
This week students are recording their biochemical results on their bacterial isolates and identifying similarities and/or differences associated with their teammates isolate (Control, Mowed/Fertilized, Fertilized, Mowed). They are refining their overarching research questions based on results and research plans for their end of the course presentation!