Link to ECU Course Catalog

What is this CURE about:

The quantitative analysis lab is located on the 4th floor of the Science and Technology Building (Room SZ 459). Typically, the class consists of quantitatively determining the concentration or amount of materials in different solutions using different traditional analysis methods such as titration.  Classic titrations are tedious and employ the use of a large volume of chemical waste.  Additionally, as they are used in CHEM 3251, they are primarily confined to determining the concentrations of acids and bases, which is a limited scope.

The CURE lab will seek to develop a disposable paper-based microfluidic device that can perform the basics of titration (analyte concentration determination, colorimetric detection) using minute amounts of consumables. The microfluidic devices will be constructed of paper and wax and will be able to be used to determine the concentrations of a variety of analytes based on the choices by the student groups.  Several different designs will be explored, but we will start with a parafilm-kimwipe version summarized in the literature that features the detection of iron and copper in water with colorimetric detection, which can be visualized using a common smartphone.

The goal of the CURE lab is to identify one or more of these microfluidic designs that can then be incorporated into a 3D printed array or scaled up in some fashion using the engineering insight.  This type of analysis will then be implemented in larger classes or eventually could be used for environmental detection, etc.

One Response

  1. Students in instrumental analysis with Dr. Hvastkovs used various compounds previously made in organic chemistry II to test for anti-biofilm properties. One of the reasons that bacteria become so resistant to antibiotics is because they can form a protective film over their colonies that can block or remove chemicals designed to kill them. The CURE students designed compounds that in theory had some properties designed to break down, or disperse, this protective film. Students tested their compounds on Pseudomonas aeruginosa films and detected their performance using both spectroscopic (light) and newer electrochemical detection methods. This course provided students with hands on lab research experience as well as developed their teamwork skills in a professional setting.

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