Link to ECU Course Catalog

What is this CURE about:

The proposed two-semester CURE will enable teams of junior-level environmental engineering (EE) to apply learned concepts and actively participate in the research and engineering design processes to ultimately test the efficacy of designed treatment technologies for remediation of nonpoint source contaminants. Treatment technologies will be investigated at the laboratory- and mesocosm/pilot-scales and include constructed wetlands, subsurface bioreactors, and adsorbent filters.

The photos below were taken during the ENVE 3203 Spring 2022 class as they were working in the large bioretention area in downtown Greenville. The class was tasked with helping Dr. Hoben and Dr. Bell implement equipment at the site to collect data on the soil moisture content as well as data on the water level inside of the drainage system. This was accomplished by the use of a water level monitor secured inside the drainage pipes.

The photos below show ENVE 3203 Spring 2022 teams working on their projects.

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