ENVE4203:Groundwater Hydrology

Link to ECU Course Catalog What is this CURE about: Water quality of well water in urban systems: Connections to human and environmental health. Impacts of hydrology on plant-soil-microbe interactions.

ENVE3103:Water Quality/ENVE 3203:Water and Wastewater Treatment 

Link to ECU Course Catalog What is this CURE about: The proposed two-semester CURE will enable teams of junior-level environmental engineering (EE) to apply learned concepts and actively participate in the research and engineering design processes to ultimately test the efficacy of designed treatment technologies for remediation of nonpoint source contaminants. Treatment technologies will be […]

BIOL3661: Marine Biology Lab

Link to ECU Course Catalog What is this CURE about: The overarching goal of this CURE is to examine the distribution of microplastic pollution and its impacts on coastal organisms in estuaries with contrasting amounts of urbanization.  We hypothesize that more urbanized estuaries will contain a higher concentration of microplastic debris in both the water […]

CHEM2753/63:Organic Chemistry I and II Lab

Link to ECU Course Catalog What is this CURE:  There are two sections of Organic II CUREs. Dr. Allen’s students will design and synthesize non-natural amino acids that change their fluorescence output in response to changes in acidity. Proteins containing the amino acids will be added to heart cells to determine how lowered blood pH damages […]

BIOL4800: Applications in Molecular Cell Biology

Link to ECU Course Catalog What is this CURE about: This course provides upper-level Biology students an immersive research experience in which to gain practical skills in genetics and molecular cell biology.