Breaking The Silence

A collection of stories from men, women, and children in Greenville, NC and the surrounding community who have been affected by domestic and sexual violence.  Any form of printable media is accepted from poetry and essays to paintings and drawings; the sky is the limit.

All submissions will be published anonymously and distributed in a publication to raise awareness about domestic violence and its affects on individuals in our community.  To submit your original work or for more information please contact TNWE Submissions at


This is a documentary narrating stories of domestic violence in the community. Due to the graphic nature of the content of this video view discretion is advised.


Driven to starvation

February 2, 2009

When I was 11 or 12 I became anorexic. I remember I couldn’t figure it out, I didn’t care if I was fat or skinny, so I thought it didn’t fit. But starving had an interesting side effect… it completely stopped puberty. I was sexually abused from toddlerhood until I was well into my teens.

The abuse itself did not seem odd at the time. I knew I didn’t like it, but I thought it was normal. But when I hit puberty things began to change. I can remember laying there hoping and praying that he wouldn’t notice the tiny little hairs that had begun to grow. The absolute horror and shame when I knew that he had. And that is why I stopped eating. The horror and shame of it all. I did not resume puberty till I was 18 years old.

Out of my 16 years of sexual abuse, I don’t know why this in particular stuck out to me, but it did. The shame and revulsion has taken a long long time to get past. Sometimes I wonder if I really have gotten past it.

I was a Victim

August 7, 2008

I was a victim
A victim of rape
A victim of rape by someone I knew and trusted, and he was a long time friend
No one ever thinks that it can happen to them, but it can
It happened to me
I was a victim
It was a long journey back to sanity
There were the nightmares
The pain
The sleepless nights
The bouts of Depression
The loss of friendships
The loss of boyfriends
The loss of trust in men
I’m still on this journey
I was a victim
Asking the questions of:
“Why me?”
“What did I do to deserve this?”
“Will I ever be the same?”
Finally the answers became clear,
It wasn’t my fault; I may never know why I was raped.
But will I ever be the same?
No, because I will never forget that night.
But Yes, because I am stronger, I am wiser; and I am a Strong Black Woman!
I was a victim
But now my good days outweigh the bad, and I put my trust in God to help me
to be able to forgive and to help me make it from day to day.
For now I am no longer a victim…

My Journey Continues…

August 7, 2008

Today is a NEW Day
For I have prevailed over my circumstance
When all was lost and the sanity of my mind was gone
I overcame my status of being a VICTIM to becoming a SURVIVOR
For I met a GREAT MAN who took away the shame;
Took away the pain
And restored me to my purposeful place that was higher than before
You may ask who that GREAT MAN is
How can he do such marvelous things?
But His name is Jesus
The anger, depression and resentment are gone;
However, some days are better than the rest…
But I bring to you a message of hope;
I bring to you a message of empowerment
For no one deserves to be raped, molested or sexually assaulted
No matter the clothes they wear, or how they act,
Or if they have or have not been drinking;
Or whether you thought their no meant yes
In the end: