January 2020


Minutes for January 13, 2020

Speight 203 at 3:15 p.m.


The fifth meeting of the Council for Educator Preparation for the 2019-2020 academic year was held Monday, January 13, 2020 at 3:15 p.m. in Speight 203.  Members present: Susannah Berry for Barbara Brehm, Ashley Cannan, Charity Cayton, Vivian Covington (Chair), Bernice Dodor, Holly Fales, Kristin Gehsmann, Nanyoung Kim, LCSN-PCS Representative Chena Cayton, Laura Levi-Altstaedter, Rhea Miles, Elondra Napper, Mikkaka Overstreet, Jeff Pizzutilla, Nicole Smith, Rita Soulen, Christina Tschida, Cynthia Wagoner, Christy Walcott, Stacy Weiss, and Kevin White.  Visitor in attendance was Beth Edwards with the NC New Teacher Support Program.  Absent were Barbara Brehm, Patch Clark, Bethann Cole, Chris Rivera, Art Rouse, and Dawn Shelton.


Welcome and Introductions

Visitor Beth Edwards with the NC New Teacher Support Program was introduced.  Mikkaka Overstreet and Christy Walcott were welcomed back.


Approval of Minutes December 9, 2019 Meeting

The minutes for the December 9, 2019 meeting were approved.



ECU’s College of Education and the Dr. Jesse R. Peel LGBTQ Center are partnering to offer a Safe Zone Training for K-12 Educators and Parents on February 8 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. in the Main Campus Student Center.  The $5 registration fee covers the training, parking and lunch.  Registration is open until January 31.  Contact Mark Rasdorf for more information, rasdorfm@ecu.edu.


NC Digital Learning (DL) Competencies for EPP Faculty to assist faculty in renewing were distributed.  Holly Fales also noted that Canvas Training (Blackboard replacement) counts as DL credits.  Jason Whited in OADD conducts one-hour sessions all year geared toward DL credits.


Standing Update from the Office of Assessment, Data Management and Digital Learning

Holly Fales, Director, gave the following updates.


Dr. Fales is on the DLC statewide committee which is holding a Digital Learning Symposium (invitation only) on February 14, 2020 at Elon University. The purpose is to highlight for strategic leadership and political related personnel what IHEs are doing to meet the DLC for faculty and students. The committee is working with the NC Independent colleges and Schools (NCICS) to create a professional development plan for faculty in educator preparation programs around the DLC. Everyone with a license is reminded that 2.0 CEUs (20 contact hours of instruction) directly related to the DLC are required per 5-year licensure renewal cycle. A copy of the DLC for Faculty should be reviewed to ensure the activities engaged in meet the DLC criteria/standards, as the requirement is more than just taking a training in an online environment, for example.


Dr. Fales shared a handout on which side 1 detailed the items to date that are either completed, in-progress, or planned for this academic year. Side 2 was a flowchart that assists programs in knowing how they are classified under CAEP review – either not reviewed (MAEd in Adult Ed; EdD Higher Ed Concentration; and the MS in IT) or whether the program is a “purple” or “green” coded program which details how many standards must have data and which standards can have phase-in plans. Some programs will be able to use data/reports from CHEA approved specialty program associations (SPAs) such as CACREP, ALA, and School Social Work. Dr. Fales is meeting with departments to ensure they know how each of their programs are coded, and thus what data is needed.


Initial CPAST Training and CPAST Refresher Training requirements are being sent via Dr. Fales’ office directly to those who need to do one or the other. Yearly calibration of CPAST via refresher training is required.


We continue to remind everyone that our next CAEP accreditation is February 20-22, 2022. The Self-Study report is due 9 months prior to that date, which is May 20, 2021; therefore, data gathering, assessment validation, and program crosswalks, etc., need to be done in a timely manner when asked for so that we can keep moving on our track to be ready to send in the self-report in approximately 474 days form Feb. 1st, 2020!


Standing Update from Office of Clinical Experiences & Alternative Licensure

Nicole Smith, Lead Coordinator gave the following update:


She and Dr. Covington met with 292 Intern II candidates today and will meet with Intern I candidates on Friday.  The Intern Information Form must be completed to link the University to the student. If the US can’t see the Intern(s), then the intern has not completed the form to “claim them”. There were some changes of US/Intern assignments by departments that created some confusion at the start of the semester. Clinical Teachers no longer need to “log in” to any systems. All communication with them is through SONIA but it comes to the CT via email with a direct link. CTs should be reminded to add SONIA to send sender lists and to check spam folders. US can see information in SONIA, but they have nothing “to do” in SONIA. US access CPAST and Progress Reports via Taskstream.



The COE Career Fair is March 18, 8:30-11:30 at the Greenville Convention Center. This is mandatory for Intern II students within the LCSN regardless of the online nature of the program. Online candidates outside of the LCSN can either attend or report to the internship site for a regular day if they do not wish to attend. April 10, 2020 is the early release date for Intern II students.


The Clinical Teacher Conference will be March 20 from 9-2 in the ECU Main Student Center.


There are 250 applicants for the Fall 2020 Residency Program.  Dance and Music program areas are not participating in the Residency program. As of last year, ECU is no longer admitting Dance ed candidates UG or ERM.


Old Business



New Business

The new EPP Accountability Requirements and Risk Factors TCED-013, Sanctions for EPPs TCED-008 and the proposed EPP Accountability Model were discussed. Refer to ppt and Handouts


The current accountability model has 3 components:  NCEES Evaluation 5 NCPTS; EVAAS (Teacher’s K-12 Student Growth) and Recent Graduate Survey set at four levels.  Failure to exceed the Level 1 range for any overall group or subgroup can result in program sanctions.


Differences Between Current Model (HB107) and Proposed Model

Current Model

  • NCEES (evaluation ratings of teachers by principals)
  • EVAAS and Proficiency (when practicable)
  • Recent Graduate Survey

Proposed Measures

  • Proficiency
  • edTPA/PPAT
  • 1-year retention
  • Recent Graduate Survey
  • Employer Survey


The following change was made on Page 8 of the online Welcome to Educator Preparation handbook.  No one will be recommended for licensure by ECU without passing test(s) scores and passing edTPA scores. Effective 12/9/2019.


Standing Committees

Curriculum –Chair Jeff Pizzutilla reported that the committee met January 6, 2020 and approved the following.


School of Music Proposal

  • MUSC 1406: Revise course title and description.

They are requesting revision of the course name from Music History and Literature to Music History and Literature I to designate its place within the three-course Music History and Literature sequence. They are requesting revision of the course description (which is currently generalistic, describing the scope of the entire three-course sequence) to clarify the content covered in this particular course.

  • MUSC 2406: Revise course title and description.

They are requesting revision of the course name from Music History and Literature to Music History and Literature II to designate its place within the three-course Music History and Literature sequence. They are requesting revision of the course description (which is currently generalistic, describing the scope of the entire three-course sequence) to clarify the content covered in this particular course.

  • MUSC 2416: Increase credit hours from 2 to 3 and revise course title and description (including content).

MUSC 2416 is the third and final semester of the School of Music’s core music history sequence, and experience has consistently shown that it needs the extra one semester hour of meeting time (i.e., in line with the first two semesters) in order to cover the material adequately. In addition to providing a better opportunity for writing and revision in this writing-intensive course, the additional credit-hour for MUSC 2416 will provide specifically for a needed augmentation of course content, namely an adequate coverage of American music, which is currently lacking in our core curriculum for music majors. ​ NASM guidelines stipulate that this material music be addressed in the curriculum, and many universities currently require a full semester of American Music in the coursework for undergraduate music majors. The third credit in MUSC 2416 would allow for a full unit on this topic.

4)  MUSC 3176: Increase credit hours from 2 to 3 (including content).

MUSC 3176 (WI) follows all other core music courses and calls on the students to combine the knowledge they have gained in their previous core classes in music theory, ear-training and music history. The student completes a large-scale capstone project on a musical work significant to their main area of study. The class is a culminating experience of the core music classwork and the capstone enables the student to begin working somewhat independently in analysis and research. The third semester hour is needed for MUSC 3176 due to the writing-intensive designation and to cover the works studied and enable the student to succeed in the various writing assignments.


CEP accepted the report with a unanimous vote.


The next CEP Curriculum Meeting will be February 3, 2020.  Proposal deadline is January 27, 2020.


Evaluation & Planning – Chair Rhea Miles, No report.  The next meeting will be January 21, 2020 in Speight 202.

Admissions & Retention – Chair Charity Cayton, no report

Policy – Chair Laura Levi-Altstaedter, no report


Christy Walcott moved to adjourn and was seconded by Cynthia Wagoner.  The meeting adjourned at 4:20 p.m.


Respectfully submitted,



Sherry S. Tripp


** Remaining meeting dates; February 10, 2020, March 16, 2020 and April 13, 2020.


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