February 2021


Minutes for February 8, 2021

Via Teams at 3:15 p.m.


The fourth meeting of the Council for Educator Preparation for the 2020-2021 academic year was held Monday, February 8, 2021 via Teams at 3:15 p.m.  Members present: Kimberly Anderson, Susannah Berry, Ashley Cannan, Charity Cayton, Patch Clark, Bethann Cole, Vivian Covington (Chair), Bernice Dodor, Holly Fales, Nanyoung Kim, Laura Levi-Altstaedter, Rhea Miles, Dan Novey, Mikkaka Overstreet, Jeff Pizzutilla, Dawn Shelton, Nicole Smith, Rita Soulen, Student Reps-Jaya Batchelor and Ben Rollins, Cynthia Wagoner, Christy Walcott, Stacy Weiss, Kevin White and visitors Monisha Atkinson and Beth Edwards.  Absent were LCSN-PCS-Maurice Harris, Chris Rivera, Art Rouse and Julie Stanley.


Approval of Minutes November 9, 2020 Meeting


A motion to approve the minutes of the November 9 meeting was made by Beth Cole and seconded by Charity Cayton and the minutes were approved. December and January meetings were not held because of an early end of the fall semester and late start of the spring semester due to COVID.




A BEST NC STRIDE: DRAFT Recommendation was included with agenda attachments. This document has eight main recommendations and 20 specific action items.


The NC Governors DRIVE Task Force Report and Brief pertains to recommendations and strategies that are believed to help diversify the teacher workforce in the state of North Carolina.  Links are

Issue Brief: https://hunt-institute.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/HI-DRIVE-SUMMIT-ISSUE-BRIEF.pdf

Report: https://files.nc.gov/governor/documents/files/HI-DRIVE-Final-Report.pdf


A document from the NC Public School Forum titled, Support to Prioritize Educator Vaccinations is attached to these minutes.  Student Teachers are included as K-12 personnel/staff.


Standing Update from the Office of Assessment, Data Management and Digital Learning

Holly Fales, Director, gave the following updates.


edTPA Update—The fall 2020 pass rate for Intern II students was 92.8%, 77 out of 83 passing.  The pass rate for Residency students was 56.8%, 54 out of 95 passing.  Those that chose to Opt Out are completing this term.


There will not be an Opt Out choice this spring.


The first line of support for traditional students is their university supervisor. Support for Residency students is their residency course instructor.


One half of the interns in remote instruction have turned in VLE forms.  It is suggested that students in a face to face environment complete the form as a backup in case their teaching status changes.  The clinical teacher signs this form.


Students should read handouts. The OADD has shared many excellent resources. Contact the Helpdesk with technical requests.


Standing Update from Office of Clinical Experiences & Alternative Licensure

Nicole Smith, Lead Coordinator gave the following update:


Intern application requests were sent last week.  Due dates are April 1, May 11 and July 1.  Face to Face placements are our priority with districts.


The Virtual Career Fair is March 17, 2021.


A potential list of spring 2021 graduates has been sent to network contacts.


Early Release is on April 19th and available to candidates who have successfully completed edTPA, met observation requirements, and will graduate with last classes completed in Spring 2021.


Interns with Covid 19 questions should contact the clinical teacher or principal of the school.  Interns exposed to Covid should continue with their internship placement but teach virtually if they are asymptomatic and feel up to it.


Intern II candidates are being asked to complete weekly timesheets, as we anticipate needing to share the amount of time face to face/hybrid/virtual with the Department of Public Instruction.


Assumption of Risk Forms are being signed by our candidates at the beginning of Internship I and Internship II.  For our upcoming Internship Application meetings, this assumption of risk has been shared so our candidates recognize the requirements of their internships for fall 2021/spring 2022.


Candidates may substitute teach no more than two (2) consecutive days after the first observation, no more than 5 total days, and only for their own clinical teacher.


Intern Cancellation forms–Candidate and Program Area, Petition for Exception and Absentee Form are being sent to Advisors.  They are attachments to these minutes also.


There are 237 new Residency candidates enrolled for spring 2021 and 80 candidates for fall 2021 to date with the application open until June.  Thirty students are in spring courses to establish a GPA to get into the residency program.  Susannah Berry noted the increase in B-K candidates in the Residency Program compared to past LE candidates. Dr. Smith shared this is likely due to candidates switching from RALC LE programs to a Residency Program and lots of teachers retiring in spring 2020.


Old Business


Comments from Dr. Covington.  Please share with program areas.

  • There will be no Opt Out options for any pathway for this term.
  • Residency candidates must pay for edTPA; no vouchers for them, not included in tuition.
  • edTPA shall be 10% of Internship II and Residency II courses, students must pass by 1st retake to equal 10%.


New Business


The removal of Praxis CORE/SAT/ACT for admission to Ed Prep is being looked at very seriously; viewed as a barrier and does not have predictive validity for teacher performance; subcommittee of the PEPS Commission is looking into it. Dr. Covington will keep the council informed as this discussion continues statewide.


Standing Committees  


Curriculum – Covington reported the committee met January 27, 2021 and approved the four following changes.


  • Revision of SCIE 3216 Course

A Summary of Request to add the requirement of upper division status to one course, SCIE 3216 – Teaching Science in Elementary School was presented.  SCIE 3216 is a service course taught by Science Education faculty which is required for all Elementary Education and Special Education majors. Both programs were consulted and support this change. Also included in this package is the removal of the pre-requisite of SCIE 3216 from the Informal Science Methods Course, SCIE 3336, as it was deemed unnecessary.


  • Revision of MAEd in Science Education

The Graduate faculty in the Science Education program area voted to make the following changes to the MAEd in Science Education. Science Education faculty propose to:

  1. Revise catalog description to better represent the MAEd program and requirements.
  2. Reduce degree requirements from 36 to 30 s.h. by removing two core courses, SPED 6002 – Addressing Differences in Human Learning on Schools and ELEM 6550 – Leadership and Communication Skills in Education or ADED 6550 – Leadership and Communications Skills in Education.
  3. C. Remove 2 course alternatives, EDUC 6480 – Introduction to Research and EDUC 6482 – Trends and Issues in Educational Research for Practitioners.
  4. Revise admissions requirements. Included in the package are: 1. Program Revision Form (to address changes in catalog language, reduction in degree requirements from 36 to 30 s.h., removal of courses from program) 2. Three Course Revisions Forms (to address removal of pre-requisites) for: SCIE 6020, SCIE 6310 and SCIE 6320; 3. Form T (to address changes in graduate school application requirements)


3) New Science Education Specialist Certificate

Science Education faculty have developed a 15 s.h. Science Education Specialist Certificate. The certificate consists of 5 currently offered graduate level Science Education courses. These 5 courses are required for the 36 s.h. MAEd in Science Education.  The only license the certificate leads to is an add-on K-6 elementary science license (25300) for those candidates who already hold the elementary K-6 license (00025).


Committee Comments:

Distinguish between the 2nd and 3rd student learning outcome — SLO #2 and SLO #3.

4) Revision to the MAED IT

The IT faculty proposed:

  1. Remove SPED 6002 Course content is sufficiently covered within the Masters in IT program.
  2. Resulting from #1, reduction in credit hours from 36 credit hours to 33 credit hours.
  3. Removing EDTC 7000 Thesis course from options for culminating activity for the degree. This course will remain an elective course option in the Masters in IT program.
  4. Adding BITE 6750 graduate research course (existing course) to the current options for research courses for IT students.
  5. Remove EDUC 6480 as a research option course no longer offered; 6. No longer requiring graduate entrance exams.


All proposals were accepted by CEP.

The next CEP Curriculum meeting will be February 24, 2021 with new chair, Christy Walcott presiding.  Proposals need to be submitted one week prior to the meeting.

Evaluation & Planning – Chair Cynthia Wagoner: Holly Fales shared that the new dispositions instrument is being piloted this spring by several program areas.

Admissions & Retention – Chair Charity Cayton, no report

Policy – Chair Laura Levi-Altstaedter, no report


Bernice Dodor moved to adjourn and was seconded by Rhea Miles.  The meeting adjourned at 4:15 p.m.



Meeting Dates for 2020–2021 via Teams   —    March 8 and April 12


Respectfully submitted,


Sherry S. Tripp

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