September 2021


Minutes for September 13, 2021

Via Teams at 3:15 p.m.


The first meeting of the Council for Educator Preparation for the 2021-2022 academic year was held Monday, September 13, 2021 via Teams at 3:15 p.m.  Members present: Kimberly Anderson, Susannah Berry, Phyllis Broughton, Charity Cayton, Patch Clark, Bethan Cole, Vivian Covington (Chair), Bernice Dodor, Holly Fales, Jennifer Gallagher, Nanyoung Kim, Laura Levi-Altstaedter, Rhea Miles, Dan Novey, Jeff Pizzutilla, Chris Rivera, Dawn Shelton, Nicole Smith, Rita Soulen, Julie Stanley, Cynthia Wagoner, Christy Walcott, Stacy Weiss, and visitors Monisha Atkinson and Sarah Sconyers.  Absent was Kevin White.


Approval of Minutes April 12, 2021 Meeting


A motion to approve the minutes of the April 12, 2021 meeting was made by Nanyoung Kim and seconded by Cynthia Wagoner.  The minutes were approved.



The NCACTE Conference will be held virtually September 22-24, 2021 at the North Raleigh Hilton. Register at:


Standing Update from the Office of Assessment, Data Management and Digital Learning

Holly Fales, Director, gave the following updates.


edTPA Update— Pass rates continue to be strong for traditional undergraduates even through the challenges with COVID and many candidates having to submit Virtual Learning Evidence (VLE). The pass rate for Residency students also continues to rise with many of these candidates also submitting VLEs or having to delay submissions due to working in classrooms with limited online, synchronous settings during COVID.


CAEP Update—The Formative Feedback Report (FFR) on ECU’s Self-Study Report has been received. Dr. Fales’ office is working with specific programs to provide additional evidence that were requested. Overall, the report was very positive, and we are pleased where are currently in terms of this “prereview” of our programs.


Dr. Fales will give an overview of the Standards at each CEP meeting, Latham Clinical Schools Network Meeting, and she has a roll out plan to brief department chairs and faculty. Your role as a CEP member is to inform your programs/departments of the information shared in CEP. There will also be interactive Canvas Modules deployed to all EPP faculty so they can familiarize themselves with important information, data, policies, etc. The Site Team (virtual) will want to speak to many different groups of faculty such as program coordinators, CEP members, edTPALs, etc. to validate all the wonderful things we told we were doing. The monthly briefings and the canvas modules are designed to inform – not overwhelm – faculty for these meetings.


Dr. Fales gave the monthly CEP CAEP Update on Standard 5: Quality Assurance and Continuous Improvement. The ppt shared is attached to these minutes.


Please use the OADD ticketing system for assistance:


Link to the OADD Newsletter, The Beacon


Standing Update from Office of Clinical Experiences & Alternative Licensure

Nicole Smith, Lead Coordinator gave the following update:

Clinical Experiences

  • Fall 2021 the numbers for Intern I candidates is 321 (15 outstanding placements as of 9/13/2021.
  • We have 56 Intern II candidates, as most programs now are only doing fall/spring rotations.
  • Early Release Date: November 23rd, 2021
  • Potential List of Graduates will go to districts the week of September 13, 2021
  • Internship Application Meeting for Spring 21Intern I/Fall 21 Intern II Fall – a virtual link will be provided as well as a face-to-face meeting to be held on 10/1/2021 2:00 – 4:00 p.m. Speight 129
  • Practicum Placements are in process for Fall 2021 for the program area selected key anchor courses submitted to OCE May 2021

Alternative Licensure

  • Spring 2022 intake – applications are due by 10/15 (accepted 125 to date)
  • Course Seat Projection needs for Spring 2022/Summer 2022 alternative licensure courses will be sent to programs involved this week


Old Business

ECU will continue to allow candidates to be recommended without passing licensure tests and/or edTPA if the hiring district sends us proof of employment in NC.


As of today, our plan is to go back to full practica placements in spring 2022; however, we will gage that by our success with placing the anchor courses this fall, the guidelines for experiential learning on campus, the recommended CDC and campus COVID protocols, and the NC public school protocols from the SBE, NCDPI and NCGA.


Continue to monitor 2.7 GPA for all Intern Is who received the COVID GPA waiver. By law, they must be at 2.7 or higher prior to Intern II. The COVID GPA and Praxis CORE waiver law ended June 30, 2021. A GPA of 2.7 or higher and Praxis CORE (or SAT/ACT) is required for admission to Upper Division.


edTPA Reminder: edTPA shall count 10% of the Internship II course and the Residency II course. Students who pass on the first attempt or after the first retake shall earn the full 10%.


New Business

NC Community College System (NCCCS) – Associate of Arts (AATP) and Associate of Science (ASTP) degrees in teacher education, 60 hours to transfer including the “science of reading”; and NCCCS has submitted for approval to be an EPP (licensure recommending) and offer Residency coursework


The NC Pathways to Excellence for Teaching Professionals subcommittee work continues – target is December 2021, for recommendations to the SBE.


Candidates should continue to take Pearson Foundations of Reading Test # 090. The test has been redeveloped with the science of reading added and the new test was given the #190. However, this test is not recommended for ECU candidates. Candidates should continue to take test # 090. Both are accepted in NC currently, but our program to date aligns best to # 090.


There is pending legislation to allow a grace period for candidates currently enrolled in a Principal Licensure program and those with a course on the books before a certain date to be exempt from the reinstituted testing requirement. We will keep you posted. Candidates enrolled after the grace period will be required to take a licensure test that is to be determined.


Standing Committees – Committees were instructed to meet virtually, choose a chair and forward the chair’s name in the next two weeks to Dr. Covington at Committee assignments were sent to the CEP via email.


  • Curriculum
  • Evaluation & Planning
  • Admissions & Retention
  • Policy


The next CEP meeting is Monday, October 18, 2021, the third Monday due to fall break falling on the second Monday in October.


Julie Stanley moved to adjourn the meeting and it was seconded by Bethann Cole. The motion passed, and the meeting adjourned at 4:33 p.m.



Respectfully submitted,



Sherry S. Tripp

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