November 2022


Minutes for November 14, 2022

Via Teams at 3:15 p.m.

The third meeting of the Council for Educator Preparation for the 2022-2023 academic year was held Monday, November 14, 2022 via Teams at 3:15 p.m.  Members present: Kim Anderson, Rob Benson, Susannah Berry, Bethann Cole, Tim Dameron, Bernice Dodor, Jennifer Gallagher, Maureen Grady, Nanyoung Kim, Laura Levi-Altstaedter, Rhea Miles, Jeff Pizzutilla, Sarah Sconyers, Rita Soulen, Cynthia Wagoner, Stacy Weiss (Vice-Chair), Kevin White, and Visitor Monisha Atkinson.  Absent were Phyllis Broughton, Holly Fales (Chair), CJ Korenek (LCSN Rep), Chris Rivera, Dawn Shelton, Nicole Smith, Theater Arts rep and Christy Walcott. 

Stacy Weiss, Vice Chair called the meeting to order in the absence of Chair Holly Fales

Approval of Minutes October 17, 2022 Meeting

A motion was made by Nanyoung Kim and seconded by Bethann Cole to approve the minutes of October 17, 2022.  The minutes were accepted.


Holly Fales, Nicole Smith and Jim Kuras are presenting at the NC School Board Association conference in Greensboro today on ECU programs, licensure pathways and partnerships.

Cynthia Wagoner said the School of Music had a really successful state conference for music education.

Standing Update from the Office of Assessment, Data Management and Digital Learning

Sarah Sconyers, Interim Director provided the following updates:

OADD has submitted COE information for the U.S. News Online Programs Survey.

OADD is currently working on a Canvas/Taskstream integration and will be reaching out to programs regarding portfolio content and associated courses.

edTPA submissions are underway and OADD continues to provide technical and logistical support for candidates during this process.

Standing Update from Office of Clinical Experiences & Alternative Licensure

Monisha Atkinson reported for Nicole Smith.

November 22 is the Early Release Date for Intern IIs.  The Formstack link is used to process ER requests.

Currently there are 331 Intern 1 candidates and 60 intern II candidates. The Round 2 intern placement date is January 9, 2023.

The ERM fall 2023 application opens December 1, 2022.

Spring 2023 ECU post-bacc application deadline is December 1, 2022.

Old Business

PEPSC met on November 10 and drafted a blueprint of action items related to the Pathways proposal and voted to send this to NC SBE. (Professional Pathways Blueprint). A meeting recording is available at  Jeff Pizzutilla noted that this blueprint is more outlined, different and words more general than previous ones.  Please discuss with departments.

New Business

The question was asked by one program area if junior courses with new dispositions would go into Taskstream for spring?  It was noted that not all programs are ready for this.  Dr. Weiss will pass this question on to Dr. Fales for clarification.

Standing Committees

Curriculum – Chair Christy Walcott- In the absence of the chair, Rita Soulen reported that the committee met November 1, 2022 to review one proposal from Human Development and Family Science.

The request was to remove a course note stating that there are practicum requirements for two HDFS courses, HDFS 4200 and HDFS 4201. They developed alternate experiences for both courses which produced stronger student performance for course objectives. The committee voted to approve this proposal pending some minor edits to clarify the changes made. Those edits have since been completed. Thus, the curriculum committee recommends that this proposal move forward for full CEP approval.

The report was accepted.  As Chair of the UCC, Dr. Weiss abstained from voting.

Evaluation & Planning  – Chair Cynthia Wagner– no report

Admissions & Retention – Chair Susannah Berry – no report

Policy– Chair Laura Levi Alstaedter – The committee did not meet.  She is waiting on committee votes pertaining to the Residency Model Incomplete Resolution Recommendation from edTPALS.


Meeting Dates for 2022-2023

December 12                 March 13                                             

January 9                     April 10            

February 13                  May 8                          

The next CEP meeting will be on December 12, 2022.

Rob Benson moved to adjourn the meeting and it was seconded by Rhea Miles. The motion passed, and the meeting adjourned at 3:40 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Sherry S. Tripp

Sherry S. Tripp

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