November 2014 Minutes


Minutes for November 10, 2014

The third meeting of the Council for Teacher Education for the 2014-2015 academic year was held Monday, November 10, 2014 at 3:30 p.m. in Speight 313. Members present: Barbara Brehm, Charity Cayton, Patch Clark, Vivian Covington (Chair), Kristen Cuthrell, Hal Holloman, Cheryl Johnson, LCSN-PCS Representative Julie Cary, Laura Levi-Altstaedter, Diana Lys, Kathy Misulis, Susan Morgan, Jeff Pizzutilla, Lisa Rogerson, Sandra Seay, Lora Lee Smith Canter, Shari Steadman, Liz Doster Taft, Ivan Wallace, Jamie Williams, Elaine Yontz, and guest, Laura Bilbro-Berry. Absent were Lena Carawan, Bethann Fine Cole, Nanyoung Kim, Cynthia Wagoner, and Christy Walcott.

Approval of Minutes October 20, 2014 Meeting

The minutes were approved as written.


New members were introduced: LCSN-PCS rotating member Julie Cary and Elaine Yontz from Department of Interdisciplinary Professions (IDP).

Standing Update on Assessment & Accreditation

Diana Lys reminded everyone of the NCATE legacy, transformation initiative visit February 8-10, 2015. Dr. Lys distributed the outcomes of the three groups that worked together at last month’s meeting focusing on how the individual Pirate CODE innovations, Video Grand Rounds, Co-Teaching and edTPA Administration have served as “explicit enhancements to curriculum, field experiences, and clinical experiences in ELMID and beyond” and “how they are designed to enhance program quality and address significant issues in the field.” The outcomes follow the minutes (October Outcomes, Pirate CODE Innovations), which should be shared with faculty members in your program area.

Recently, she presented to the Joint Advisory Boards of the Latham Clinical Schools Network and SECU PE Community College Partners and gave an overview of the Pirate CODE with NCATE Standards.

The committee members divided into pairs to discuss what is known about our Areas for Improvement (AFI), what does the CAEP Report include, what are programs doing to address the AFIs and, what should all EPP faculty be prepared to say to CAEP team members? At the last visit in 2006, under Standard 2, there was one area for improvement–the assessment system does not certify that faculty regularly and systematically analyze data composites in order to improve programs and unit operations at the Initial Teacher Preparation (ITP) and Advanced level (ADV). There were two areas for improvement for Standard 4—Commitments to diversity are not consistently aligned in curriculum, instruction, and assessment (ITP only) and candidates have limited opportunities to interact with faculty members from diverse backgrounds (ITP and ADV). The CAEP report includes only gender and race/ethnicity although there are other definitions of diversity. (Since the meeting, Dr. Lys has captured the statements from the work of the different groups [November Outcomes, AFI], which follow the minutes. Please share with your faculty members).

There were no updates on DPI/Program Approval or SACS.

Standing Update from Office of Clinical Experiences & Alternative Licensure

Susan Morgan gave the following updates and information. Heather Payne has joined the Office of Clinical Experiences, replacing Delaney Swift. She can be reached at 328-6051 or OCE is now interviewing for the position previously held by Sheila Jones.

Senior I’s for spring are being placed now. If any program areas have university supervisor assignments for Senior II, please let her know. An adjunct university supervisor meeting, with faculty if possible, will be held in the Willis Building on 12/9/14 from 8:30 a.m. until 12:00 p.m. Discussion will center around closing out procedures for fall supervisors and procedures for new spring supervisors.

The final date for Senior I applications for Spring/Fall 2015 Internship is January 12, 2015 at 5:00 p.m.

Template updates for Licensure Only and Lateral Entry Plans of Study are due to OCE.

Old Business

Student representative are still needed. Please send nominations to Vivian Covington, or Sherry Tripp,

New Business

Two draft copies of the CTE Bylaws were distributed (one with tracked changes and one with changes accepted for ease of reading). Please review, share with faculty, and bring back suggestions and comments to the December meeting. Changes to the By-laws fall under the Policy Committee.

Standing Committees

Curriculum Committee – Jamie Williams, Chair reported that the committee met on 11/3/14 and approved the following.

School of Music

  1. Prerequisite Change (No content change) for MUSC 3156: Conducting and MUSC 3166: Conducting. Prerequisites for both of these courses be revised to MUSC 1166 and MUSC 1186, as opposed to MUSC 2166 and MUSC 2186, because learning outcomes achieved in MUSC 1166 and MUSC 1186 are sufficient prerequisites for these courses. MUSC 3166 would retain the prerequisite of MUSC 3156.
  2. Revised degree program of BM in Music Education: Language inserted that ensemble registration must be approved by applied instructor and ensemble directors.
  3. Course Description Change: MUSC 1715: Insert: “Satisfies large ensemble requirement only with approval of student’s applied professor and ensemble directors.”
  4. Revised degree program of BM in Music Education
    1. Foundations Curriculum (previously approved by CTE)
    2. Vocal/General Music Education Track

CTE voted to approve the report as submitted.

Evaluation & Planning Committee – Kristen Cuthrell, Chair, reported that the committee met jointly with the Policy Committee on October 29, 2014 and continued the discussion on the Innovations Pilot Approval process. The three step process consists of 1) Materials will be submitted to the E&P Committee for permission to begin or continue a pilot. After review, the committee reports and recommends to CTE to allow the innovation/pilot. 2) Upon approval, data is collected for two years. 3) After two years, a review of data and outcomes is required by the E&P Committee and referred to Policy Committee whether to discontinue or continue. A policy decision is needed for recommendation to full CTE. If CTE did not approve the committee recommendations, then the opportunity to revise the pilot proposal or final recommendation based on CTE feedback could be granted. Since all Colleges are represented on CTE, the final CTE vote would stand. For some innovations, state or accreditation requirements may necessitate a change that would not need CTE approval, i.e., if the state decided to require edTPA for licensure, then a policy requiring edTPA would not be needed. Cheryl Johnson moved to table the vote, which was seconded by Ivan Wallace. An electronic version of the joint meeting minutes and the Innovation Pilot Process was sent to CTE members (11/11) to review and be prepared to vote at the December meeting.

Admissions & Retention – Shari Steadman, Chair reported that the committee met November 3, 2014 to discuss proposed changes to the Policy for Readmission to the Internship, located on page 22 of the Welcome to Teacher Education handbook. The committee approved the following.

POLICY FOR READMISSION TO THE INTERNSHIP (Current policy, p. 22 of the Welcome to Teacher Ed Handbook)

Students who withdraw or are removed involuntarily from the internship or those who receive a grade of “C-, D+, D, D-, F” will not be allowed to repeat an internship except for unusual circumstances. A written Petition for Exception must be made to the Council for Teacher Education Admissions and Retention Committee prior to the internship application deadline. Interns will be placed in a county different from their original internship, except under documented extenuating circumstances.

The proposed changes (found below) provide a more detailed response pathway to student requests for readmission and divide the requests into two levels. The policy change will provide an opportunity for more expedient responses to Level I requests for readmission, as the Director of Teacher Education will have the authority to determine readmission and will inform the Admission and Retention Committee of the readmissions. Further, the proposed changes clarify, codify, and formalize situations qualifying as Level II events, providing students and faculty with common definitions. A quorum of the Admission and Retention Committee is required to determine readmission for students falling into the categories defined as Level II.

Proposed changes:
Level I – Readmission

A written Petition for Exception must be made to the Director of Teacher Education prior to the internship application deadline for students who fall into the categories below. The Director of Teacher Education will review the Petition for Exception and will determine readmission and report these readmissions to the Council for Teacher Education Admissions and Retention Committee.

Readmission Review by Director of Teacher Education:

  • Student removed himself/herself from the internship for personal and/or medical reasons and left the program in good academic standing. (ex: Student withdrew after Senior 1 to have a child and wishes to return to complete the program.)
  • Student was removed from the internship after Senior I due to GPA falling below the required 2.5 GPA requirement for Upper Division. Student has raised her/his GPA and wishes to return to the internship.
  • Student was removed from the internship after Senior I due to failing a pre-requisite class or receiving a C- in a class requiring a “C” or better. (Addendum 11/10/14).

Level II – Readmission

A written Petition for Exception must be made to the Council for Teacher Education Admissions and Retention Committee prior to the internship application deadline for students falling into the following categories. Petitions shall be sent to the Director of Teacher Education for forwarding to the CTE Admissions and Retention Committee Chair.

Readmission Review by the Council for Teacher Education Admissions and Retention Committee:

  • Student was removed from either Senior I or Senior II due to behavior/dispositional issue.
  • Student was removed from either Senior I or Senior II due to having pending criminal charges. Students may not be considered for return until all charges are disposed.
  • Student was removed from either Senior I or Senior II due to any other reason not outlined in Level I- Readmission Policy.

The report was accepted and referred to the Policy Committee.

Policy – No report

There being no further business the meeting adjourned at 4:40 p.m. The next meeting will be December 8, 2014 in Speight 313 at 3:30 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,
Sherry S. Tripp

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