October 2014 Minutes


Minutes for October 20, 2014

The second meeting of the Council for Teacher Education for the 2014-2015 academic year was held Monday, October 20, 2014 at 3:30 p.m. in Speight 313.  Members present:  Barbara Brehm, Patch Clark, Vivian Covington (Chair), Kristen Cuthrell, Bethann Fine Cole, Hal Holloman, Bernice Dodor for Cheryl Johnson, Nanyoung Kim, LCSN-PCS Representative Jeff Theus, Laura Levi-Altstaedter, Diana Lys, Susan Morgan, Jeff Pizzutilla, Lisa Rogerson, Sandra Seay, Shari Steadman, Cynthia Wagoner, Christy Walcott, Ivan Wallace, Julie Kulas for Jamie Williams and guest, Laura Bilbro-Berry.  Absent were Lena Carawan, Charity Cayton, Kathy Misulis, Lora Lee Smith Canter, Liz Doster Taft, and Elaine Yontz.

Approval of Minutes September 8, 2014 Meeting

The minutes were approved as written.


Members not present at the first meeting were introduced; Cynthia Wagoner, Christy Walcott, Lisa Rogerson, and Jeff Theus.  Also attending were Bernice Dodor for Cheryl Johnson, Julie Kulas for Jamie Williams, and Laura Bilbro-Berry.  Dr. Berry will help staff some of the sub committees for Dr. Covington.  Elaine Yontz will be joining the committee as a representative from the Department of Interdisciplinary Professions (IDP).

UNC-GA is creating Teacher Quality Dashboards: Outcomes and Performance Indicators similar to the university EPP level dashboards.  A draft copy was distributed showing three implementation phases.  The first target completion date is December 19, 2014.  The first phase includes teacher productivity data by institutions and license areas, academic profile of UNC education graduates versus non-education graduates, distribution of employed graduates by county, and teacher portals disaggregated by county and school.  Phase II, with a target date of March 1, 2015, includes value-add on teacher effectiveness, retention rates in the teaching fields at 3 and 5 years of experience, and university-school teacher education partnerships (USTEP) maps.  Phase III, with a target date of May 1, 2015, includes the selection criteria for admission to teacher education (ECU uses a 2.5 GPA; some other schools require 2.7-3.0; ECUs cohort average GPA is 3.2; CAEP requires a 3.0 cohort average), licensure exam results, descriptive data on student teaching and clinical experience requirements, time to degree comparison for UNC education graduates versus UNC non-education graduates, job placement rates and results of recent graduate surveys by institution.  Several of the phases will include map graphics. Please share this information with other faculty.

Standing Update on Assessment & Accreditation

Diana Lys reminded everyone of the February 8-10, 2015 CAEP Accreditation visit and gave an overview of how Pirate CODE Innovations and NCATE Unit Standards align (2014-10-CTE_PirateCODE-NCATEstandardsAlignment).  Members broke into three groups to look at three of the Pirate CODE Innovations; Video Grand Rounds, Co-Teaching and edTPA Administration, to discuss “what you see as faculty.”  Dr. Lys will combine the outcomes of all three and share with faculty.

Dr. Lys shared the link to have updates from the 2015 CAEP Preparation blog delivered directly to your inbox with these 3 easy steps.  (Link directions are also attached).

  1. Open your Outlook
  2. Find the RSS Feeds Item, right-click on it, and choose Add New RSS Feed.
  3. Paste in the following address: http://sites.ecu.edu/coeblog/category/caep-preparation/feed

With this completed, whenever a new post is added for 2015 CAEP Preparation, it will automatically be added to your email.

There were no updates on DPI/Program Approval or SACS.

Standing Update from Office of Clinical Experiences & Alternative Licensure

Susan Morgan gave the following updates and information.  Senior I applications for Spring 2015 are due November 3.  The last date to apply for Spring/Fall 2015 Internship is January 12, 2015.  All practicum placements are in.  If there are changes in a practicum description as to what is required of a student or the number of hours required in the placement, let her know so that she can forward this information to the clinical teacher.  Special populations’ registration will be Friday, October 24 beginning at 1:00 p.m.  A university supervisor meeting will be held in the Willis Building on 12/9/14.

Old Business

Two undergraduate students and two graduate students are still needed to serve on the committee, preferably not a student in Sr. II in the spring (would include MAT students).  One student in each category would serve as an alternate.  Please send nominations to Vivian Covington, covingtonv@ecu.edu or Sherry Tripp, tripps@ecu.edu.

New Business

The CTE By-laws need to be updated.  Two draft copies are attached (one with tracked changes and one with changes accepted for ease of reading) to review and become familiar with as we move to update them this year.  Changes to the by-laws fall under the Policy Committee.

The Licensure Section of DPI updated the IHE Faculty Licensure Renewal process.  The 7.5 renewal credits are still required for individuals with licenses expiring June 30, 2015.  Credits will increase to 8.0 for individuals with licenses expiring in 2016.  Previously, expired Methods Faculty License were not renewable.  They may now be renewed.  Beginning 2017, the integration of digital teaching and learning into the requirements for licensure renewal will be required.  The required professional development for online teaching within the COE will count toward this requirement. A handout is attached – Methods Faculty Renewal 10-10-14

Standing Committees

Curriculum Committee – Vivian Covington reported for Jamie Williams, Chair.  The Curriculum Committee met 10/6/14 and approved the following.

The Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures (FORL) requested to consolidate six separate degrees (3 BAs and 3 BSs) into one BA in Foreign Languages and Literatures with six concentrations: French Language; French Teacher Education; Spanish Language; Spanish Teacher Education; German Language; German Teacher Education. This is in alignment with national trends as well as the ECU Fiscal Sustainability Committee’s recommendation to reduce the number of UG programs by 20.

The Department of English requested revisions to the BA in English, specifically to the Shakespeare core requirement of the major and 2) to renumber courses, specifically the courses associated with Shakespeare: histories, comedies, and tragedies, and the Children’s Literature (ENGL 4950) class. The implications for Teacher Education center on the ENGL 4950 course being renumbered to 3950, as this is a required course for Elementary Education students. The renumbering actually helps ELEM, as students need this course in the sophomore year and the 4000 level designation created registration issues. It was suggested that ENGL send a courtesy notice to Dr. Vivian Mott, Interim Chair of IDP that the ENGL 4950 was being renumbered to 3950, as Library Science has a similar course LIBS 4950-Children’s Literature. English Education was notified due to some of the Shakespeare courses serving as course requirements for English Education.

The program area of Library Science in the Department of Interdisciplinary Professions submitted proposed revisions to the course LIBS 6012-Analyzing and Synthesizing Professional Library Information, as well changes to its prerequisite. The course changes are being requested as result of increased emphasis on candidates’ abilities to plan and execute practitioner research both for assessment and for quality improvement in library programs, and to assist candidates in understanding the fundamentals of qualitative and quantitative research. The prerequisite change would go from LIBS 6010 to LIBS 6010 and consent of chair. There would also be a title change from that noted above to Research Literacy in Library Science. The course would also move in sequencing designation from Tier 1 to Tier II.

Their program area also submitted a prerequisite change to LIBS 6014-Introduction to Reference from LIBS 6010 and consent of chair to LIBS 6010. In addition, LIBS 6014 would move in sequencing designation from Tier II to Tier I. This piece of the proposal is done in companion with the first part of the package from the program.

The BFA in Dance Education submitted proposed revisions to comply with licensure changes made by the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction and approved by the ECU Council for Teacher Education (1/12/2009), 1) under Foundations Curriculum requirements, PSYC 1000 – Introductory Psychology and PSYC 3206 – Developmental Psychology are no longer required.  2) under Foundations Curriculum requirements, either SOCI 1010 – Race and Gender OR PSYC 2777 – Ethno-cultural Psychology is now required.

The committee approved all of the above pending minor changes in the Library Science proposal.

Evaluation & Planning Committee – Kristen Cuthrell, Chair, reported that the committee met October 16, 2014 and discussed the Innovations Pilot Approval process.  The three step process consists of 1) Materials will be submitted to the E&P Committee for permission to begin or continue a pilot.  After review, the committee reports and recommends to CTE to allow the innovation/pilot.  2) Upon approval, data is collected for two years.  3) After two years, a review of data and outcomes is required by the E&P Committee and referred to Policy Committee whether to discontinue or continue.  A policy decision is needed for recommendation to full CTE.  If CTE did not approve the committee recommendations, then the opportunity to revise the pilot proposal or final recommendation based on CTE feedback could be granted.  Further discussion occurred whether CTE votes could be overturned and if so, under what conditions.  Because of the nature of the final recommendations, the committee felt it was important to meet with the Policy Committee to finalize step 3 of the process.  The E&P Committee will finalize their report and return to CTE for a vote in November.

Admissions & Retention – No report

Policy – No report

There being no further business the meeting adjourned at 4:40 p.m.  The next meeting will be November 10, 2014 in Speight 313 at 3:30 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,
Sherry S. Tripp

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