October 2020


Minutes for October 12, 2020

Via Teams at 3:15 p.m.

The second meeting of the Council for Educator Preparation for the 2020-2021 academic year was held Monday, October 12, 2020 via Teams at 3:15 p.m.  Members present: Kimberly Anderson, Susannah Berry, Ashley Cannan, Charity Cayton, Patch Clark, Bethann Cole, Vivian Covington (Chair), Bernice Dodor, Holly Fales, Nanyoung Kim, LCSN-PCS-Maurice Harris, Laura Levi-Altstaedter, Rhea Miles, Dan Novey, Mikkaka Overstreet, Jeff Pizzutilla, Chris Rivera, Dawn Shelton, Nicole Smith, Rita Soulen, Julie Stanley, Student Rep-Ben Rollins, Cynthia Wagoner, Stacy Weiss, and Kevin White.   Absent were Art Rouse and Christy Walcott.

Approval of Minutes September 14, 2020 Meeting

A motion to approve minutes of the September 14 meeting was made by Rhea Miles and seconded by Cynthia Wagoner.  Motion to approve minutes of the September 23, 2020 Special Called Meeting was made by Cynthia Wagoner and seconded by Jeff Pizzutilla.  Both sets of minutes were accepted.


The Teacher Education Forum held a Virtual Conference September 24, 2020.  The chair stated it was a very good meeting with good sessions and thanked others who attended.  The sessions can be accessed at http://www.ncacte.org/what-we-do.html

Standing Update from the Office of Assessment, Data Management and Digital Learning

Holly Fales, Director, gave the following updates.

East Carolina University’s Educator Preparation Program utilizes a professional dispositions rubric based upon five categories of professional behaviors that candidates are expected to display as they progress through our program and become licensed educators:

  1. Demonstrates Ethical Understanding, Behaviors, and Responsibility
  2. Demonstrates Professional Commitment
  3. Demonstrates Professional Communication
  4. Participates in the Professional Community
  5. Demonstrates Professional Relationships and Behaviors when working with PK-12 students

The process of documenting candidate dispositions moves from one of awareness and exploration early in the program to demonstration of professional behaviors as candidates progress in the program. The development and assessment of candidate dispositions and professional behaviors is a growth-model that provides multiple opportunities for early intervention, candidate remediation and growth, and reinforcement of desired professional behaviors. The process purposefully involves candidates, faculty, and key stakeholders in the disposition process.

The required gateways within the educator preparation program where dispositions are assessed and feedback is provided to candidates are: Early Field Experiences, Upper Division Admission, Program Area Junior Field Experience Course, Internship I (methods), and Internship II (Internship course). In addition to the gateway dispositional assessments, faculty are also encouraged to utilize the dispositions form in any course or circumstance with any candidate where there are concerns that would show a need for additional support and feedback to candidates.

(Members were sent a document, Dispositions Instrument with Look Fors, to share with faculty in each department).

Each initial licensure program area will designate a program dispositions coordinator. The program dispositions coordinator will ensure documentation of dispositions at the selected gateways and will work with program faculty to determine appropriate dispositional goals, remediation, and/or growth opportunities for candidates. The program level coordinator will follow-up with candidates and faculty within one semester after a documented dispositional concern to determine if the candidate exhibits growth in the area of dispositional concern or if further interventions are needed for program progression.

We are a little behind for Fall 2021; volunteers are needed for the pilot, CAEP will administer timeline and Standard V will be drafted this week.

The NC DPI EPP dashboard is great.  In the past, information was in multiple places; it is in one site now. https://www.dpi.nc.gov/educators/educator-preparation/epp-performance

The NC DPI EPP dashboard supplies key evidences for CAEP standard 4 and annual reporting.

We are using several snippets from the report cards for CAEP standard 5 narratives for continuous improvement.

Sarah Sconyers has developed many, many support materials for edTPA, especially for Virtual Learning Evidences. Due dates for opting out of edTPA for UG/LO/SPED ERM is Oct. 15. All other areas with ERM license is Nov. 1.

A Canvas based course for all University Supervisors (faculty and part-time) has been developed by OADD. All items a US will need to know and use to supervise remotely for the spring 2020 semester are in the Canvas course – CPAST, GoReact, Taskstream, and SONIA. Send heathh@ecu.edu names of US to be enrolled. Emails are already rolling in with US lists, so thank you.

Standing Update from Office of Clinical Experiences & Alternative Licensure

Nicole Smith, Lead Coordinator gave the following update:

Seventeen students in Intern I still need placements. It has been shared with instructors that alternate assignments should be given, and no grade penalties should occur for these students.

Students in Intern II this fall can be early released without edTPA; however, if they take ER and have to do retakes they have lost their placement and will have to do the rest on their own, so it’s their choice to accept or not accept ER but being fully informed of what that means.

For spring 2021, 212 ERM/Residency candidates applied with about 2/3rd accepted to ECU and about 25 more who have a GPA course to take, so if they all come to fruition, we are will be between 200-250 for Spring 2021 cohort.

A decision about Licensure seminar for spring Intern Is and IIs have not yet been decided. If they are remote, they will be done as they were in fall 2020 through emailed narrated PPTs. Space availability and the NC limits on the number of people who can be indoors are an issue right now.

Old Business

Names for student representative(s) – I UG representative and one alternate is still needed.  Ben Rollins from MSITE is the Grad representative.  One Grad level alternate is needed.

The edTPA policy adjustment for fall 2020 Intern IIs has been approved.

New Business

  • 240 Tutoring – replaces previous Praxis prep software.
  • EPP Weighted Model –EPPs will be evaluated/rated/ranked by NCGA/SBE according to law based on EPP Performance; NCEES, EVASS, proficiency when practicable, and edTPA; Retention, One year; Stakeholder Perceptions, recent graduate survey and employer survey; and Diversity.


Approved Programs

EPP Performance – EPP Dashboard, Report Cards and Performance Reports for EPPs and

EPP Standards

  • Pass/Fail

8W1, 8W2, and 15 W pass/fail must be done from Dec. 4 – Dec. 15. – This is a short window of time.  Requests go through advisor. Faculty record letter grade earned as usual.

Pass can be given if a candidate makes a C-, D+, D or D- in a C or higher required course, but that course must be repeated to get a C or better grade. The pass just holds the GPA harmless.

  • COVID 19 on UD Apps, Waivers—-When to do the app and when to do the waiver was explained again.
  • Write COVID 19 on the UD application and CPL form if GPA is 2.7 or higher but there are no tests scores or low scores.
  • Waiver form is used if GPA is below 2.7.
  • All waivers will be checked for 2.7 or higher before registration for Internship II or Residency II. This is part of the 2020-2021 law along with less than 2.7 to admit and test waiver.

May 2021 is the last chance to use less than 2.5 and no Praxis CORE/SAT/ACT waiver.

  • Spring Expectations

University Supervision will be all remote for spring 2021. USs should not enter school buildings or

do site visits. No travel will be paid.

No decisions yet on spring practica placements; however, be prepared for alternate assignments

Spring Intern Is and Intern IIs will follow CT’s assignment; remote, hybrid, f2f, onsite, etc. They should be prepared to remain in the vicinity of their assignment for the full semester, regardless if ECU goes online or if the internship site goes online as things can change quickly between f2f, hybrid, etc.

For spring 2021 completers forward, edTPA will be required, testing will be required before any recommendation for licensure — waivers, concessions, etc. are over; edTPA will use the green, red, yellow system to make decisions about candidates who can submit – plan to get VLE form submissions in early if doing remote instruction and to obtain video permissions early in Intern II.

Standing Committees  

Curriculum – Covington is serving as chair currently, and she reported that the committee met September 30, 2020 and approved the following.

The BS in Physical Education program in the Department of Kinesiology propose the following changes to the concentration. The changes will reduce the number of course substitution within the concentration. This will have no budgetary impact on the department.

1.Change the Interdisciplinary Human Studies from two separate categories in the concentration to one large category with all the existing courses.

2.Add additional course options to the concentration:  HLTH 2000, HLTH 2220, HLTH 3000, and HLTH 2050

  1. Revised the descriptive text in the program description

Committee Discussion: Impact Reports need to be updated. Summary of Request Form and Program Revision Form are in order. Christy Walcott – motioned for approval; Patch Clark – Second; Motion approved pending update to Impact Report and uploading emails to affected units.

In full CEP, a motion was made by Susannah Berry and seconded by Bernice Dodor to accept the report.  The report was accepted.

The next CEP Curriculum meeting will 10/28 at 10:00 a.m.

Evaluation & Planning – Chair Cynthia Wagoner

Admissions & Retention – Chair Charity Cayton, no report

Policy – Chair Laura Levi-Altstaedter, no report

Bethann Cole moved to adjourn and was seconded by Rhea Miles.  The meeting adjourned at 4:20 p.m.

Meeting Dates for 2020–2021 via Teams

November 9                                          February 8

December 14 (tentative)                        March 8

January 11 (tentative)                            April 12

Respectfully submitted,

Sherry S. Tripp

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